Obama's Latest Bow: Not a Secret Muslim, Just a Pigeon in Japan

Enduring America regrets that it has to bring the sad news that the US President has once more bowed down to a foreign, unelected ruler.
Readers may recall that, when Obama lowered himself in a meeting with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia earlier this year, our favourite on-line encyclopedia of eternal truth (and no liberal lies), Conservapedia, were a bit slow off the mark to portray Obama as a "secret Muslim".
So would they do any better on Saturday when President Barack Obama genuflected before Japan's Emperor Akihito?
Yes! Conservapedia made amends for their past delinquency, calling Obama's gesture a "bowfest" and posting a YouTube video showing that he "bobbed his head like a pigeon!":
Kudos to the right-wing defenders of all things encyclopedic if sad news, indeed, to see such abasement of the Leader of the Free World.
Still....better a pigeon than a secret Muslim?
Readers may recall that, when Obama lowered himself in a meeting with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia earlier this year, our favourite on-line encyclopedia of eternal truth (and no liberal lies), Conservapedia, were a bit slow off the mark to portray Obama as a "secret Muslim".
So would they do any better on Saturday when President Barack Obama genuflected before Japan's Emperor Akihito?
Yes! Conservapedia made amends for their past delinquency, calling Obama's gesture a "bowfest" and posting a YouTube video showing that he "bobbed his head like a pigeon!":
Kudos to the right-wing defenders of all things encyclopedic if sad news, indeed, to see such abasement of the Leader of the Free World.
Still....better a pigeon than a secret Muslim?

Reader Comments (11)
Waite, let’s give Obama a break. Remember, White House said Obama was looking for his contact lens when he bowed to King Abdullah. Could it be the contact lens again or was he looking at the Emperor shoes to see where he can buy one just like it. Stay tuned for the next episode; Bowing to kiss Khamenei’s paralyzed hand, the hand that signed the Nuke deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Conservatives never really seemed to understand the basis for Teddy Roosevelt's admonition -- "talk softly, and carry a big stick".
What we see as "confident" appears to foreigners as "arrogant".
Obama to make a bridge with the eastern cultures is doing a great job being confident without being arrogant.
(if I was advising him I would whisper "watch the angle of bowing just a bit !!")
Wait a minute. Its black and white different. I personally will bow to Mr. Obama for bowing to the Emperor of Japan. The royals in Japan have ushered in democracy and change in the last 60 years and taken a once defeated nation to great heights in terms of human development, democracy and such.
King Abdullah is an all together different case. He is a terrible king that has done nothing to develop his nation other than by economic transformation via the oil wealth. Culturally, democratically and from a perspective of human development Saudi Arabia is a terrible place.
By comparing the two I feel we are shortchanging Obama and the Emporar of Japan. Although he should not have bowed to the Saudi King, and rather should have told him to go take a hike, in my personal opinion, he could not due to the oil dependence. He should have as such done nothing.
To bow to the Emperor of Japan is to tell the world what kind of leadership America respects and honers and what is wrong with that? I feel we just want to judge Obama on this for the sake of judging him. Lets not be rash. He bowed to a representative of a great nation in Asia and an example for China, Iran, Saudi and all to follow. I respect that.
There is nothing wrong with showing respect. It's acting like a decent person instead of an egotistical one. Besides there is a great height discrepancy.It was kind to avoid making him feel small.
Quoting whereismyvote -- "Wait a minute. Its black and white different. I personally will bow to Mr. Obama for bowing to the Emperor of Japan. The royals in Japan have ushered in democracy and change in the last 60 years and taken a once defeated nation to great heights in terms of human development, democracy and such."
Okay, but what about a formal Japanese apology for all of the horrible things Japan did to its neighbors 65+ years ago? It's long overdue.
Folks, don't we have anything better to discuss that the merits of Obama bowing or not? Are we becoming like the Byzantines who were discussing the gender of the angels while Byzantium was about to fall to the Turks?
You are right - although I thought it was about "How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin?"
Let us contemplate something much easier and more important.
If anybody can enlighten me on this little lot http://www.aawsat.com/english/news.asp?section=2&id=18818 , I would appreciate it.
It is true that we westerners cannot understand the Middle East - I don't think that they can themselves.
Barry that's the first article I've read that gives me a better than a vague idea of this mysterious war far away, yet that is related to Iran and other middle east countries. I read that some of the jihadists from Pakistan tribal areas are migrating over there.
The captured iranian ship of arms isn't 'zionist' propaganda then.. (according to presstv) smile.
It looks like it could hot up as well - In addition to what is already happening in Yemen -- potential Naval clashes between Iran and Saudi.??
Wonder what that could lead to - and any impact on Iran internal situation.
"Something" is definitely warming up in this area.
ooh, and Sarkozy was visiting (semi official, semi private), Saudi Arabia these last days, with Kouchner in Yemen.. I bet they had a lot to discuss.. with french base in Djibouti, just opposite.. Hmm, after offering to solve the other problem, (israel/palestinian/syrian) I bet he didn't count on getting involved in yet another esclatation..
In article :
"It is not yet clear how aggressive Saudi and Iranian rules of engagement are, or how close they are to coming into conflict with one another.
"But with Iranian warships apparently facilitating the smuggling of arms that Riyadh is intent on interdicting, the potential for an incident or conflict at sea is certainly on the rise."
As the proxy war between the two Gulf powers appeared to escalate, Iran's army commander, Maj. Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi, warned Tuesday that Saudi "Wahhabi state terrorism" in Yemen could have consequences across the region."
Is confusing as I'm not sure how it impacts internal Iran, as for the moment, they are intent on denying supplying arms to Yemen. So are they going to make out they are saving Shiites in Yemen.. will this make any impact on internal dissent ?