Iran: The Ahmadinejad Speech in Tabriz (19 November)

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From the US Government Open Source Center (and thanks to an EA reader). The full text supposes our reading, put out in updates yesterday and today, that Ahmadinejad is pursuing "engagement" with other countries, especially the US, to bolster his legitimacy while holding up the image that it is Iran which has the superior position in the talks:
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate (introductory prayers in Arabic). I thank God Almighty, and I am sincerely happy to be visiting Iran's best people in Tabriz and Azarbayjan on a great day. The day when two great human beings, the Lord of the Believers, Ali, peace be upon him, and Her Holiness Zahra, peace be upon her, began their auspicious married lives together, and at a time when rain, the blessing of God, is coming down fast. (People cheer)
Azarbayjan is the land of epic, belief and kindness. Azarbayjan is the land of art, moral values and struggle. (People cheer)
Azarbayjan is the land of devotion, passion and love for the country.
In the last few decades, the people of Tabriz and Azarbayjan have always played a unique, unrivalled, and distinctive role in developing Iran's culture, developing poetry, moral values of this land, art, progress, economy, defending the homeland, fighting tyrants, bullies, and oppressors. (People cheer)
The people of this land are pioneers of the pro-constitution movement, repelling the aggressors and acts of mischief and defending the supreme ideals of the Islamic Revolution. (People cheer)
The world must know that today, independence, territorial integrity, and unparalleled dignity of the people of Iran are mostly indebted to the self-sacrifice, vigilance and passion of the people of Tabriz and Azarbayjan. (People cheer and poetry is recited in praise of Tabriz and Azarbayjan; and how the land smells of flowers).
Blessing of God upon you dear people of this province, people of Tabriz and other towns in East Azarbayjan. Blessing of God upon the valiant, noble, revolutionary, and art-loving people of this province.
My dear ones, I wanted to discuss important issues with you today; issues about the present conditions of Iran, of the region, of the world and things that we must do to construct Iran and (to safeguard) its dignity. However, you have been standing in the rain for hours. It is fall and I am worried (about your health); although, historical experience has shown that the people of Azarbayjan and people of Tabriz will stand by the Islamic revolution even if it rains stones. (People chant slogans)
Let me say a few short sentences and then I will express my thanks to you. God willing, tonight at TV program...(he does not finish his sentence) (preceding words in Turkish) Azarbayjan is awakened and is a base for supporting the revolution. (People chant the same slogan) Well done; let me say just a few sentences.
First, I address foreign powers: open your eyes; this is Tabriz. This is Azarbayjan. In the cold autumnal weather, people have been standing in the rain and the streets are full; the stadium is full. They (people of Tabriz) have come to give you two messages: Their first message is to invite you to follow the path of God, the path of humanity and purity. They want to say enough is enough. You should put an end to committing crimes, to occupations, invasions, and homicide. Follow the path of humanity; the path nations and prophets have followed. Be aware that if you (take note of) the message of the people of Tabriz, which is a message of faith and of divinity and if you (neglect) the invitation of the people of Tabriz and of Iranians, then the powerful hand of nations will throw you out of your glass palaces. (People chant slogans).
The second message is this: The people of Iran are liberal-minded. They are pure and they support peace and friendship. They support constructive international cooperation. They are ready to reform the conditions of the world, to resolve the dilemmas of the human community; they are ready to have constructive cooperation in reforming the economy, culture and politics and in establishing lasting security in the world.
The Iranian nation is a dignified, brave, aspiring and pious nation. This nation is not pursuing aggression, does not have ill intentions, it only wants to obtain its right, its bright future and its legal right. Those (presumably US President Obama) who claim that they want to have constructive interaction must know that if a clear, fundamental and correct change is observed and the Iranian nation sees that they have truly changed their attitude, have given up their aggressive and arrogant behavior, are respecting the right and dignity of the Iranian nation, and by returning the right and wealth of the nation they have honestly stretched a hand of friendship toward Iran, it will accept it. However they should know that if they are pursuing deception and mischief in our region again, the response of our nation will be the same definite response which they gave to the predecessors of these gentlemen.
This was for them, and now something for domestic audiences. My cherished ones, with divine providence, today there are great unprecedented historical opportunities before us the nation of Iran.
We have to make our country reach an optimal point; a point which our nation deserves. All conditions for making a progressive Iran, an affluent Iran, a free Iran and a mighty and influential Iran are ripe. Today, we have to, hand in hand, through solidarity, through unity, through effort and endeavor build Iran.
We have to make Iran reach a supreme position in the fields of science, culture, economy and development. Today, we are in need of solidarity. We are in need of effort and constant unremitting and indefatigable endeavor.
Dear Azarbayjan has always been at the forefront of all fields of endeavor; it has been in a vanguard position for the Iranian nation.
The ill-intentioned and the enemies do not want the tranquillity of our nation, its progress and its dignity.
Today, hand in hand and despite the wishes of the ill-intentioned and the narrow-minded selfish ones, we have to build Iran.
Haji (Mohammad Mojtahed) Shabestari (Friday prayer leader of the province) the honorable representative of the Supreme Leader (Ali Khamene'i) said something, which is quite right. I want to add something to that myself: he submitted that in the great elections that were held in Iran and astonished the world and enhanced Iran's global standing and showed the might of the Iranian nation; here and there, certain people were after undermining this greatness and victory of the nation. His eminence submitted that in Azarbayjan tranquillity, greatness and security and fraternity was in force (during that period).
This is quite right, well done to you. I want to add a phrase to this; the expectation of the nation of Iran for Azarbayjan is yet higher than that. History has shown that if a malevolent person, an adversary, or an aggressor was creating subversion here and there or disrupting Iran's security and undermining its honor; the nation expected the valiant men and women of Azarbayjan to rise and break their bones (Crowds chant approval and hail the president).
At least in the last 400 years, every time and in any corner of the cherished fatherland, a seditious, conspiring, hostile or aggressive person has existed. He has wanted to undermine the prestige, standing and integrity of the Iranian nation - history bears witness that - the children of Azarbayjan have risen up vigilantly and powerfully. They have defeated the enemy in this way.
It is for this reason that the nation of Iran cries out from the bottom of its heart: Yashasun Azarbayjan (Turkish: Long live Azarbayjan).
OK! I do not want to keep you for long. I have to say two or three sentences of gratitude. God-willing, I will say more on TV and it will reach you (I am sure).
My first gratitude is to be extended to (long silence while he speaks to an unidentified person and laughs; then he says: Azari Turkish OK, may be at the end) my first thank you is for all your goodness and graciousness. Today, our Revolution owes a lot to the sacrifices of the people of Azarbayjan and Tabriz.
No one will forget 29 Bahman (18 February 1978, day of uprising in Tabriz against the rule of the former shah); 29 Bhaman 1356 broke the back of arrogance. Also (we won't forget) the Martyrs of the Altar (Reference to a number of clerics who were assassinated while praying), the Great Martyrs (presumably Iranian forces killed in Iran-Iraq war in 1980s) and the martyrs of Ashura Division (another group of war victims). The fighters of this land have always been at the front line of the Iranian nation and with the grace of God, they will remain there.
As a servant of yours, I will sincerely thank you. I also thank you for your heroic participation in the (presidential) elections. The presence of the people of Azarbayjan and their votes in the political atmosphere of the country, in the international arena and in the history of our country has a special significance; it signifies resistance, dignity, honesty and passion. That is why the whole Iranian nation believes this beautiful slogan of you, which comes from the bottom of your hearts: (Preceding words in Turkish) Azarbayjan is awakened and is a base for supporting the revolution. (People repeat the slogan)
I thank you for your generosity and the kindness you bestow upon your servant. I have said it before and I say it again: the greatest honor in my life is that for eight years I have been serving the people of Azarbayjan. And today, I am proud that many Iranians consider me the son of Azarbayjan.
Let me also offer my gratitude for your heroic presence. Let the world see: these are the people of Azarbayjan and Tabriz. Your presence inspires all other nations. It makes Iranian people and all other nations proud. I sincerely and humbly thank all of you. May God enhance your dignity. God willing, in the meetings of the working groups and the meeting of the cabinet members, suitable decisions will be made (he pauses while people chant slogans in his support) (Preceding words in Turkish) I am your servant.
I hope that tomorrow night, I will tell you about our decisions as well as certain points which should be said on TV and now I will say a few prayers. It is time for noon prayers. I hope that the Almighty God who has bestowed us with a rain of his blessings will answer your prayers. Oh dear God, O kind God, add to the dignity of these people day by day. Oh almighty, unique God, place the Iranian nation in the highest, dignified point in the world. Oh God, place our dear youths, students, employees, workers, farmers, academics, and all ranks of society on the summits of international respect. Safeguard our faithful youth; make all the good wishes of our youth come true. O Almighty God, make our great nation reach the summits of progress and development. Remove the obstacles in the way of the progress of our nation. Save the oppressed nation.
Oh benevolent, almighty, and all-knowing God, put an end to the life of usurpers and tyrants. Oh benevolent God, the Iranian nation and world all nations and especially the people of Azarbayjan are awaiting the bright era of the rule of your representative (Reference to the 12th Shiite Imam). Oh almighty God, expedite the reappearance of our Lord of the Age (Reference to the 12th Shiite Imam).
Long live Azarbayjan. I wish you success.
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In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate (introductory prayers in Arabic). I thank God Almighty, and I am sincerely happy to be visiting Iran's best people in Tabriz and Azarbayjan on a great day. The day when two great human beings, the Lord of the Believers, Ali, peace be upon him, and Her Holiness Zahra, peace be upon her, began their auspicious married lives together, and at a time when rain, the blessing of God, is coming down fast. (People cheer)
Azarbayjan is the land of epic, belief and kindness. Azarbayjan is the land of art, moral values and struggle. (People cheer)
Azarbayjan is the land of devotion, passion and love for the country.
In the last few decades, the people of Tabriz and Azarbayjan have always played a unique, unrivalled, and distinctive role in developing Iran's culture, developing poetry, moral values of this land, art, progress, economy, defending the homeland, fighting tyrants, bullies, and oppressors. (People cheer)
The people of this land are pioneers of the pro-constitution movement, repelling the aggressors and acts of mischief and defending the supreme ideals of the Islamic Revolution. (People cheer)
The world must know that today, independence, territorial integrity, and unparalleled dignity of the people of Iran are mostly indebted to the self-sacrifice, vigilance and passion of the people of Tabriz and Azarbayjan. (People cheer and poetry is recited in praise of Tabriz and Azarbayjan; and how the land smells of flowers).
Blessing of God upon you dear people of this province, people of Tabriz and other towns in East Azarbayjan. Blessing of God upon the valiant, noble, revolutionary, and art-loving people of this province.
My dear ones, I wanted to discuss important issues with you today; issues about the present conditions of Iran, of the region, of the world and things that we must do to construct Iran and (to safeguard) its dignity. However, you have been standing in the rain for hours. It is fall and I am worried (about your health); although, historical experience has shown that the people of Azarbayjan and people of Tabriz will stand by the Islamic revolution even if it rains stones. (People chant slogans)
Let me say a few short sentences and then I will express my thanks to you. God willing, tonight at TV program...(he does not finish his sentence) (preceding words in Turkish) Azarbayjan is awakened and is a base for supporting the revolution. (People chant the same slogan) Well done; let me say just a few sentences.
First, I address foreign powers: open your eyes; this is Tabriz. This is Azarbayjan. In the cold autumnal weather, people have been standing in the rain and the streets are full; the stadium is full. They (people of Tabriz) have come to give you two messages: Their first message is to invite you to follow the path of God, the path of humanity and purity. They want to say enough is enough. You should put an end to committing crimes, to occupations, invasions, and homicide. Follow the path of humanity; the path nations and prophets have followed. Be aware that if you (take note of) the message of the people of Tabriz, which is a message of faith and of divinity and if you (neglect) the invitation of the people of Tabriz and of Iranians, then the powerful hand of nations will throw you out of your glass palaces. (People chant slogans).
The second message is this: The people of Iran are liberal-minded. They are pure and they support peace and friendship. They support constructive international cooperation. They are ready to reform the conditions of the world, to resolve the dilemmas of the human community; they are ready to have constructive cooperation in reforming the economy, culture and politics and in establishing lasting security in the world.
The Iranian nation is a dignified, brave, aspiring and pious nation. This nation is not pursuing aggression, does not have ill intentions, it only wants to obtain its right, its bright future and its legal right. Those (presumably US President Obama) who claim that they want to have constructive interaction must know that if a clear, fundamental and correct change is observed and the Iranian nation sees that they have truly changed their attitude, have given up their aggressive and arrogant behavior, are respecting the right and dignity of the Iranian nation, and by returning the right and wealth of the nation they have honestly stretched a hand of friendship toward Iran, it will accept it. However they should know that if they are pursuing deception and mischief in our region again, the response of our nation will be the same definite response which they gave to the predecessors of these gentlemen.
This was for them, and now something for domestic audiences. My cherished ones, with divine providence, today there are great unprecedented historical opportunities before us the nation of Iran.
We have to make our country reach an optimal point; a point which our nation deserves. All conditions for making a progressive Iran, an affluent Iran, a free Iran and a mighty and influential Iran are ripe. Today, we have to, hand in hand, through solidarity, through unity, through effort and endeavor build Iran.
We have to make Iran reach a supreme position in the fields of science, culture, economy and development. Today, we are in need of solidarity. We are in need of effort and constant unremitting and indefatigable endeavor.
Dear Azarbayjan has always been at the forefront of all fields of endeavor; it has been in a vanguard position for the Iranian nation.
The ill-intentioned and the enemies do not want the tranquillity of our nation, its progress and its dignity.
Today, hand in hand and despite the wishes of the ill-intentioned and the narrow-minded selfish ones, we have to build Iran.
Haji (Mohammad Mojtahed) Shabestari (Friday prayer leader of the province) the honorable representative of the Supreme Leader (Ali Khamene'i) said something, which is quite right. I want to add something to that myself: he submitted that in the great elections that were held in Iran and astonished the world and enhanced Iran's global standing and showed the might of the Iranian nation; here and there, certain people were after undermining this greatness and victory of the nation. His eminence submitted that in Azarbayjan tranquillity, greatness and security and fraternity was in force (during that period).
This is quite right, well done to you. I want to add a phrase to this; the expectation of the nation of Iran for Azarbayjan is yet higher than that. History has shown that if a malevolent person, an adversary, or an aggressor was creating subversion here and there or disrupting Iran's security and undermining its honor; the nation expected the valiant men and women of Azarbayjan to rise and break their bones (Crowds chant approval and hail the president).
At least in the last 400 years, every time and in any corner of the cherished fatherland, a seditious, conspiring, hostile or aggressive person has existed. He has wanted to undermine the prestige, standing and integrity of the Iranian nation - history bears witness that - the children of Azarbayjan have risen up vigilantly and powerfully. They have defeated the enemy in this way.
It is for this reason that the nation of Iran cries out from the bottom of its heart: Yashasun Azarbayjan (Turkish: Long live Azarbayjan).
OK! I do not want to keep you for long. I have to say two or three sentences of gratitude. God-willing, I will say more on TV and it will reach you (I am sure).
My first gratitude is to be extended to (long silence while he speaks to an unidentified person and laughs; then he says: Azari Turkish OK, may be at the end) my first thank you is for all your goodness and graciousness. Today, our Revolution owes a lot to the sacrifices of the people of Azarbayjan and Tabriz.
No one will forget 29 Bahman (18 February 1978, day of uprising in Tabriz against the rule of the former shah); 29 Bhaman 1356 broke the back of arrogance. Also (we won't forget) the Martyrs of the Altar (Reference to a number of clerics who were assassinated while praying), the Great Martyrs (presumably Iranian forces killed in Iran-Iraq war in 1980s) and the martyrs of Ashura Division (another group of war victims). The fighters of this land have always been at the front line of the Iranian nation and with the grace of God, they will remain there.
As a servant of yours, I will sincerely thank you. I also thank you for your heroic participation in the (presidential) elections. The presence of the people of Azarbayjan and their votes in the political atmosphere of the country, in the international arena and in the history of our country has a special significance; it signifies resistance, dignity, honesty and passion. That is why the whole Iranian nation believes this beautiful slogan of you, which comes from the bottom of your hearts: (Preceding words in Turkish) Azarbayjan is awakened and is a base for supporting the revolution. (People repeat the slogan)
I thank you for your generosity and the kindness you bestow upon your servant. I have said it before and I say it again: the greatest honor in my life is that for eight years I have been serving the people of Azarbayjan. And today, I am proud that many Iranians consider me the son of Azarbayjan.
Let me also offer my gratitude for your heroic presence. Let the world see: these are the people of Azarbayjan and Tabriz. Your presence inspires all other nations. It makes Iranian people and all other nations proud. I sincerely and humbly thank all of you. May God enhance your dignity. God willing, in the meetings of the working groups and the meeting of the cabinet members, suitable decisions will be made (he pauses while people chant slogans in his support) (Preceding words in Turkish) I am your servant.
I hope that tomorrow night, I will tell you about our decisions as well as certain points which should be said on TV and now I will say a few prayers. It is time for noon prayers. I hope that the Almighty God who has bestowed us with a rain of his blessings will answer your prayers. Oh dear God, O kind God, add to the dignity of these people day by day. Oh almighty, unique God, place the Iranian nation in the highest, dignified point in the world. Oh God, place our dear youths, students, employees, workers, farmers, academics, and all ranks of society on the summits of international respect. Safeguard our faithful youth; make all the good wishes of our youth come true. O Almighty God, make our great nation reach the summits of progress and development. Remove the obstacles in the way of the progress of our nation. Save the oppressed nation.
Oh benevolent, almighty, and all-knowing God, put an end to the life of usurpers and tyrants. Oh benevolent God, the Iranian nation and world all nations and especially the people of Azarbayjan are awaiting the bright era of the rule of your representative (Reference to the 12th Shiite Imam). Oh almighty God, expedite the reappearance of our Lord of the Age (Reference to the 12th Shiite Imam).
Long live Azarbayjan. I wish you success.
Reader Comments (4)
just a bunch of kossesher.
What an insult to our intelligence this Islamofascist is.
They closed all schools, government offices, university in Tabriz and gave everybody a day off to show up and hear this moron repeat his lies. What a charade?
Everything for this fascist government is a showoff and so is the nuclear bomb. Anyone who believes this guy and this Iranian regime are trying to reach an amicable agreement with the West on nuclear program is as much a fool as loony Ahmadi.
This fascist government is now dragging Iran into yet another war and this time with Yemen and possibly Saudi Arabia that has hated mullah regime in Iran since day one.
Great Oratory!Dignified yet firm.Humble and respectful.From now on, I will try to follow all his speeches.
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