Iran: Enduring America's Coverage of 13 Aban Demonstrations

Throughout the day we'll also have the latest analysis. The morning will start with Scott Lucas' overview of the political situation, and Josh Shahryar, responding to Roger Cohen in The New York Times, will offer a special comment on "revolution" and the long-term struggle in Iran.
And of course we'll be relying on news, ideas, and comments from the best group of readers in cyber-world. Please keep posting throughout the day, and feel free to spread the word.
It is 13 hours to 13 Aban.
Reader Comments (10)
I 'd really like to know why none of the national media is covering this story anymore.
Tonight: Students in Mashad:
[...] 3. November 2009 — Oliver M. Piecha Morgen könnte es spannend werden. enduring america wird ab morgen früh ständig über die aktuelle Lage und die angekündigten Proteste berichten. [...]
Demonstration students at Mazandaran University for #13Aban. Photos: http://tinyurl.com/yj6ll88
Something NEW: Video of green high school students protesting
Reports comming from twitter (though not suprisingly) state that police, army, IRG, and Basiji are on high alert. This is not exactly that shocking because these types of reports come out the night before any of the previous opposition protests but that is what is coming in right now.
Roger Cohen is an illiterate cultural imperialist who doesn't understand his own country, let alone comment on Iran. So far Mr. Cohen who got tear gased in Tehran earlier this summer has never yet said anything about Iran that resembles reality. I wish you westerners would stop praising yourselves thinking that your own ideological choices are somehow relevant to countries and cultures that are beyond your borders!
Beli's opinion of Roger Cohen is Beli's own, and does not represent the views of most Iranians I know, including myself.
For those who understand Farsi epersianradio.com is reporting live from Tehran right now. People who are calling from Iran are reporting streets are full of government forces but people are increasing in munber.
Government forces are not allowing students to leave Tehran University and join other protesters