Iran: President Ahmadinejad's Battle in Parliament

The Latest on Iran (10 August): Threats and Concessions
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Yesterday we reported the story from Press TV's website that President Ahmadinejad was going to the Majlis to "consult" over his choices for the Cabinet. Well, here' s the real reason for the consultation, courtesy of Etemad Melli Etemad:
After a "highly unsatisfactory meeting" with Ahmadinejad, Speaker of the Parliament Ali Larijani sent a letter "with threatening overtones" to the office of the President; significantly the letter was cosigned by 200 of the 490 members of Parlaiment. Ahmadinejad immediately retreated and invited the MPs of the "principlist" bloc, the largest in the Majlis, to refute Larijani's contention that Ahmadinejad and his advisors are "a bunch of egotists".
Meanwhile, Ahmadinejad supporters suddenly showed up in the corridors of Parliament, trying to convince MPs that Larijani's motive is to get a high-profile Government role and smoothing ruffled feathers by claiming that a misunderstanding has occurred and Ahmadinejad wants to consult them.
There were heated scenes in the Parliamentary chamber, with principlist MPs critical of Ahmadinejad in arguments with the President's supporters over the claim, "Ahmadinejad has already up his mind with regards to the cabinet, and he just wants the MPs to rubber stamp his choices."
Etemade Melli concludes,"The tenuous connection between Parliament and Pasteur Street [the President's office] is becoming more strained by the hour: the Ahmadinejad faction feels free to use any kind of [abusive] rhetoric against Larijani, while Larijani's supporters overtly threaten to withdraw their support from ministers suggested by Ahmadinenad that are not to their liking. This demonstrates that the current frostiness between Parliament and Pasteur street may erupt into a full-fledged war."
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After a "highly unsatisfactory meeting" with Ahmadinejad, Speaker of the Parliament Ali Larijani sent a letter "with threatening overtones" to the office of the President; significantly the letter was cosigned by 200 of the 490 members of Parlaiment. Ahmadinejad immediately retreated and invited the MPs of the "principlist" bloc, the largest in the Majlis, to refute Larijani's contention that Ahmadinejad and his advisors are "a bunch of egotists".
Meanwhile, Ahmadinejad supporters suddenly showed up in the corridors of Parliament, trying to convince MPs that Larijani's motive is to get a high-profile Government role and smoothing ruffled feathers by claiming that a misunderstanding has occurred and Ahmadinejad wants to consult them.
There were heated scenes in the Parliamentary chamber, with principlist MPs critical of Ahmadinejad in arguments with the President's supporters over the claim, "Ahmadinejad has already up his mind with regards to the cabinet, and he just wants the MPs to rubber stamp his choices."
Etemade Melli concludes,"The tenuous connection between Parliament and Pasteur Street [the President's office] is becoming more strained by the hour: the Ahmadinejad faction feels free to use any kind of [abusive] rhetoric against Larijani, while Larijani's supporters overtly threaten to withdraw their support from ministers suggested by Ahmadinenad that are not to their liking. This demonstrates that the current frostiness between Parliament and Pasteur street may erupt into a full-fledged war."
Reader Comments (5)
[...] Originally Posted by Nedjarsan Yer seems so... And overall it is getting a bit quiet. Not according to Enduring America: they report on growing infighting in parliament between several factions. Iran: President Ahmadinejad’s Battle in Parliament | Enduring America [...]
Well done EA, for continuing to be a reliable source of latest developments on Iran.
[...] There’s been a huge bust-up between Principlist supporters of the Majlis Speaker, Ali Larijani, and Ahmadinejad supporters, according to Etemad-e Melli. link [...]
[...] via enduring america Veröffentlicht in News. Schlagworte: Ahmedinejad, Ali Laridjani, Etemade Melli, Iran, Kabinett. Kommentar schreiben » [...]
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