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Entries in Avi Mizrahi (2)


Containing Conflict: Update on Israel, Turkey, and Gaza

Turkish-Israeli flagsIn his daily updates, Scott Lucas referred to an "escalation" of the political tensions between Israel and Turkey after the comments of Israeli Major General Avi Mizrahi questioning Turkey's Kurdish, Armenian and Cyprus policies. For me, however, the significance is that, after the Turkish Military`s General Staff warned that Mizrahi's statements could harm the relations between Turkey and Israel, the Israeli army disowned Mizrahi's statements. According to the Israeli Defense Forces, Mizrahi`s remarks did not reflect the official views of the army.

The episode shows again that, despite political conflict and individual statements such as Mizrahi's, Israeli and Turkish armies do not have the luxury of tolerating any interference that can harm the special relationship between their institutions.

The Latest on Israel-Gaza-Palestine (15 February)

olmertAfternoon Update (4:15 p.m.): Israeli officials say Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (pictured) told Cabinet colleagues on Sunday that kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit must "come home" before there is any opening of border crossings, a central demand by Hamas for an Israel-Gaza ceasefire.

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, the leader of the Kadima Party, has ruled out a coaliation government with Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party, which finished a narrow second in last Tuesday's election. Livni wrote in private note to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, captured by television cameras, ""I have no intention of being in a unity government headed by Bibi [Netanyahu] --- and don't hint that."

Meanwhile, a clear sign that the Palestinian Authority is in trouble as it tries to maintain some position in Gaza. PA leader Salam Fayyad says that salaries of the Authority's employees in the area are not being paid so the money can be used for aid projects. The PA has been hindered by Israel's restriction on the movement of cash into Gaza, and its workers have now declared a strike.
Morning Update (6 a.m. GMT; 8 a.m. Israel/Palestine): The political tensions between Israel and Turkey, which we have followed closely in recent weeks, escalated yesterday after an Israeli general told an international conference that Turkey should "look in the mirror" after its criticism of Israeli action in Gaza. General Mizrahi pointed to Ankara's treatment of its Kurdish minority and the Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus.

Although the Israeli Defense Forces reprimanded Avi Mizrahi (pictured) for his remarks, the Turkish Foreign Ministry requested "an urgent explanation" from the Israeli Ambassador.