Egypt Uprising Explained: It's a Socialist-Communist-Islamist-Obama-Google Conspiracy (Mr G Beck)

It is now almost a month since President Hosni Mubarak resigned, sparking a celebration by millions of people across Egypt. As the country goes through post-Mubarak discussions and clashes, you may be struggling to understand what is happening.
So let me turn it over to Mr Glenn Beck, who interpreted the events only hours after Mubarak was ousted, in this three-part video. I cannot hold an intellectual candle to this leading international commentator, so I can only stay with him up to these points: "They have toppled Mubarak. Now what?" and "I have been called a madman....I have been called a nutjob."
Apparently, however, the protests and resistance in Tahrir Square, throughout Cairo, and in other Egyptian cities were all part of a plot which ends in the takeover not just of the Presidential Palace but of the United States of America.
I am still waiting for Mr Beck's explanation of how events in Libya fit into this conspiracy.)

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