Iran Election Guide

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EA Video Analysis: How to Become an Expert on US Presidential Election --- It's Down to 6 States

Obama? Romney? A Tie?

In Part 3 of How to Become an Expert, we explain how the US Presidential election is now down to six states --- Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, and Nevada --- and how Barack Obama, despite his stumble after the 1st Presidential Debate, still holds the advantage.

[Since we filmed this on Tuesday, Obama has bounced back with a strong performance in the 2nd Debate, while Mitt Romney faltered. Fortunately for us, the President's recovery in the polls since then --- he is now a 70% favourite to hold the White House, according to FiveThirtyEight --- bolsters our analysis.]

Catching up? Watch Parts 1 and 2 of How to Become an Expert on EA's Video Channel.

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