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Entries in Occupy Movement (2)


Britain, US & Beyond Feature: Occupy Seeks A Creative "Global Spring"

Occupy London protesters in Liverpool Street underground station (Photo: HeardInLondon/Demotix/Corbis)

Last week electors in Europe signalled their dissatisfaction with the politics of austerity, and the elites who are trying to implement them. Barring a miracle of an economic recovery, politics for the near future will revolve around that austerity --- or thrift as the British government are now trying to call it.

This week the success or failure of Occupy, and their affiliated groups, to draw attention to growing income inequality will help determine their relevance to these coming political struggles over the world's economic future. Can they deliver on their promise of a Global Spring?

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US Elections Analysis: How Protests Over Campaign Finance and Ron Paul Could Change The Race

Campaign finance reform would need to be the central plank of any third-party run. However, when you have judges in Montana and Occupiers outside the Supreme Court, you may have the issue that can unite Americans who feel that the two political parties are ignoring their concerns.

Will Ron Paul now seize the campaign finance reform issue in a Presidential run as an Independent candidate?

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