A Middle East Economic Fact for Your Kind Consideration
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 18:24
According to India’s Strategic Foresight Group, the conflict between Israel and Arab countries, the Persian Gulf Wars of 1991 and from 2003, tensions between Iran and Israel, activities of al-Qaeda, and fights between Hamas and Fatah since 1991 have cost countries in the region $12 trillion.
According to the report, if peace opportunies had not been missed in 1991, individuals of the region would be 50% wealthier. Gross Domestic Product per capita in Israel would be $44,241 instead of $23,304, and it would be $2,427 instead of $1,220 in Gaza and the West Bank.
tagged Fatah, Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Middle East Economy, Strategic Foresight Group, West Bank, al-Qaeda in Middle East & Iran