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Entries in Mohamed Al-Jabowe (1)


"Alive in Gaza" Now On-Line: "I Hope I Can Make It Back Alive Tonight"

The project "Alive in Gaza", aiming to bring to the world "the lives and experiences of those living in Gaza" has posted its first blog from Gazan Mohamed Al-Jabowe:

The situation is not improving inside the strip, due to the constant bombing by the Israeli Army in the northern and middle areas of the strip. A battle started today between Hamas’ Marine forces and the Israeli Naval forces. The situation here is like a cage burning from the inside. UNRWA aid is not reaching families inside the strip.

We heard today on the news that the Israeli government allowed UNWRA aid to arrive to the strip and stated they would not target any of the UNRWA employees. Despite this, we still did not receive any of that aid. We did not have any electricity for quite a long time where we live. We have only one container of gas left, because we stored some in our house, but when this tube is over we will have to cook and heat and prepare our food with wood fuel.

Most of the bombing today were in the northern side of the strip. While am writing this post I can hear the sounds of the missiles and sounds of gunshots from far away. My cousin has a Satellite TV system that works by a Car battery , and what I see now in the news has nothing to do with reality, the loss of life must be more than 800. It’s very difficult to have even one hour without sounds of explosions, and this what I have to post for now.

I will try to send you more information as soon as I have another chance. I have to go back and help my sister with getting milk for her baby. I hope I can make it alive back home tonight, ill keep you posted.