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Entries in Atheists (1)


Why We Love Conservapedia: On Guard Against Atheists (and Liberals)

As the guardian of all things truthful against "liberal bias", Conservapedia would be expected to defend us from the scourge of atheism. Still you have to admire the tenacity of the fight as it identifies "Atheism and Communism", "Atheism and Mass Murder", and "Targeting of Young People by Atheists on the Internet".

One contributor was so diligent that he identified a medical condition suffered only by atheists:

''Atheistic fluff'' is a medical condition suffered by atheists.

As a consequency of renouncing God and accepting atheistic doctrines such as evolution, atheists often develop a layer of downy fluff, covering the groin, buttocks, and in some extreme cases, the face. -
Charles Darwin developed a severe case of atheistic fluff, covering most of his body, after publishing ''The Origin of Species''. Some critics believe that Michael Moore may be suffering from atheistic fluff, despite his claim to be a Christian.

Darwin, in an advanced stage of atheistic fluff
Darwin in an advanced stage of atheistic fluff

Atheistic fluff can be cured through abstinence, prayer and Bible study.-

Unfortunately, Conservapedia editors had an unexpected attack of caution and deleted this important medical evidence. On the other hand, they have maintained their vigilance against the related condition "Liberal Fluff", the entry for which reads:

Liberal fluffers are employed extensively in the entertainment industry in Hollywood, where they promote Hollywood values.

And speaking of liberals, Conservapedia has a helpful guide to their devious "Liberal Tools" , which apparently include:

1. Deceit
2. Halitosis.
3. Mumbling.
4. Interrupting speakers
5. Eating with their mouth open.
6. Holding conservatives to a higher standard than they hold themselves.
7. Bullying.
8. Hypnosis.
9. Censorship.
10. Custard.
11. Capturing and misleading youth.
12. Sowing division among conservatives, such as atheists complaining that one particular prayer
might offend someone of another religion.
13. Desensitization.
14. "Jamming", by Bob Marley.
15. Conversion.
16. Undermining religion.
17. Mocking conservative science.
18. Portraying criminals and miscreants as being conservative when, in fact, they are not.
19. Dismissing valid conservative criticism for no reason.
20. Knocking on doors and then running away.
21. Using the term "Karajou" as a pejorative.
22. Insisting on "globalist" terms and phrasing to the detriment of American English and meanings. This
is an anti-American effort to promote "one worldism."
23. Poisonous frogs.
24. The Gay Bomb.
25. Liberace.