Iran Election Guide

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Entries in Democrats (2)


Fact x Importance = News (Nov 17)

I'm fully recovered after spending Saturday evening at a friend's parents', after his Californian mum organised a party to celebrate Obama's victory. The pressure was on when word got around just before the election-themed quiz that I was an American Studies postgraduate, but luckily I put everything I'd learnt reading Enduring America to good use and helped my team ensure victory:

I wanted us to be called 'The Maverick Renegades', but apparently the name was too long.

What other important stories happened last week?:

Let us know what you think of these stories, and what other stories you've been watching, in the comments.

Great Election Moments: The Genius who is Bill Kristol

Just in case Bill Kristol --- Weekly Standard mastermind, New York Times columnnist --- continues the "Sarah in 2012" crusade:

"If [Hillary Clinton] gets a race against John Edwards and Barack Obama, she's going to be the nominee. Gore is the only threat to her ... Barack Obama is not going to beat Hillary Clinton in a single democratic primary. I'll predict that right now."

William Kristol, Fox News Sunday, December 17, 2006