Israel's UN Ambassador: United Nations Hijacked by Anti-Semites

Goldstone Latest Comments on Israel & Hamas
Palestine: Goldstone Report Goes Back to UN General Assembly
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On Friday, Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations, Gabriela Shalev, criticized the UN Human Rights Council during its weekly session, following the recent endorsement of a resolution based on the Goldstone Report on the Gaza War. According to Shalev:
- There is a constant and exclusive discrimination against Israel.
- More than half of the council's meetings have dealt with condemning Israel for one reason or another.
- The council has approved more resolutions critical of Israel than resolutions criticizing any other UN member country.
- The UN rights council is dominated and used by countries obsessed with demonizing Israel and its democratic nature.
- The basic human rights of thousands of innocent people are violated throughout the world on a daily basis, but the council has and remains silent to their plight
Palestine: Goldstone Report Goes Back to UN General Assembly
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- There is a constant and exclusive discrimination against Israel.
- More than half of the council's meetings have dealt with condemning Israel for one reason or another.
- The council has approved more resolutions critical of Israel than resolutions criticizing any other UN member country.
- The UN rights council is dominated and used by countries obsessed with demonizing Israel and its democratic nature.
- The basic human rights of thousands of innocent people are violated throughout the world on a daily basis, but the council has and remains silent to their plight
Reader Comments (8)
The headline is not fair. Many of the things she says here are simply facts. The HRC spends a totally disproportionate amount of time "investigating" and criticizing Israel, and doesn't seem to have much to say about chronic human rights abuses in Libya and Iran, for example.
We in Iran are fed up with anti Semitic sentiment. This is not our belief. We don't hate anyone and in fact we are very saddened by the suffering of the Jewish people, and we detest brutality by the hands of despots and tyrants. We want freedom. We want the very simple things you all have in the West. We detest fundamentalist interpretations that have choked our freedom and have brought about a culture of death and of brutality to us. We are capable of stating this ourselves and we are the ones ourselves who are turning the Green into an all encompassing movement that will engulf the lies and the tyranny we have been subjected to. Please, western thinkers, don't humiliate us by agreeing with the despots in Iran that the Green is the makings of the West based on the "velvet revolution" models. No! It is us, simple and true. No more hate. No more lies, No more rapes of our innocent youth. We detest the culture of death and we do not agree with superstition thrown at us as religion. We ourselves will bring down the Zahhak. Freedom!
When one country holds a disproportionate control of another it is called oppression. The oppression of Israel over Palestinians led to the Israeli invasion of Gaza.
The immediate prequel to the war was the incursion of an Israeli patrol into Palestinian territory on the night of President Obama's inaugeration.
The invasion was totally at variance with the concept of a '' Just War''
It is still the case that despite the Israeli Jurist , Mr Goldstein has laid the greater portion of blame for the slaughter of so many innocents at Israeli's door - the Israelis are still provoking further incitement in the '' occupied territories; they have rationed water to a level below that ordained by the WHO , while they are profligate in the use of water in their swimming pools .
And every time criticism is made of this hateful regimen , they throw up the victimhood card .ie the Holocaust.
Peace was achievable in N. Ireland as soon as Mrs Thatcher departed the stage having wreaked havoc on British society.
There are several '' Mrs Thatcher reincarnations '' at play in Israel
Peace will never be achievable with a Zionist mindset which daily perpetrates one dehumanizing act after another against the Palestinians.
But we all make the assumption that peace is being sought by Israel.
Is it really ? Seriously ?
With Mr Netenyahu's expansionist policy in Jerusalem , his blockade of the borders , his selective and frugal permission to allow foodstuffs, essential medicines and building materials cross the borders.
Are we surprised that the HRC should devote so much time investigating Israel ?
No ETA member called for disparition of Great Britain...
"The immediate prequel to the war" was not so immediate... for years Hamas fired DAYLY thousands of missiles at civil targets. For years Israƫl had... some reserve. And, Hamas did its last error by broking the truce.
Since this day, they are like cats neutered ;-)
Norman ,
''For years '' implies the chronic rather that the acute nature of the war.
We can keep going back to the Flight Out of Egypt if we want to talk about the origins of the conflict.
''And, Hamas did its last error by broking the truce.''
- I have utterly no idea what this means. Do You ?
Grammatically it is so unstructured as to render it's making any sense quite impossible . If you were to write in sentences , it might help to elucidate your meaning.
Rest assured most of us in the West view this issue in the same light. While I have issues with fundametalists, Islamists, neo conservatives, and in general "nut jobs" we do not view you that way. For to long the fanatics in the Middle East have used the Israeli Arab conflict to blind their people to issues at home. What Iran showed everyone was that the people are tired of this and want them to focus on their own citizens! Our solidarity will always remain with you and our hope is one day you will be able to live free! May the Green Wave keep rising until it breaks with freedom for all in Iran!!!
Quoting -- "May the Green Wave keep rising until it breaks with freedom for all in Iran!!!"
How progressive is the Green movement?
Thank you. In Iran, on the streets where everyone from all ages and all categories and groups are coming together to show their resolve against 30 ears of abuse and of lies there is a new yet strong sentiment also felt. People are seriously reacting to the US leftist who are so strong in their support of Palestinians but have failed to observe what we are going through. Our plight is no les terrible than them. Also, we are wondering why the Arab street has failed to lend support for our fight for freedom. Are they not sincere and are not truthful, we are wondering. We are having serious doubts about them.