Israel's UN Ambassador: United Nations Hijacked by Anti-Semites

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Palestine: Goldstone Report Goes Back to UN General Assembly
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On Friday, Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations, Gabriela Shalev, criticized the UN Human Rights Council during its weekly session, following the recent endorsement of a resolution based on the Goldstone Report on the Gaza War. According to Shalev:
- There is a constant and exclusive discrimination against Israel.
- More than half of the council's meetings have dealt with condemning Israel for one reason or another.
- The council has approved more resolutions critical of Israel than resolutions criticizing any other UN member country.
- The UN rights council is dominated and used by countries obsessed with demonizing Israel and its democratic nature.
- The basic human rights of thousands of innocent people are violated throughout the world on a daily basis, but the council has and remains silent to their plight
Palestine: Goldstone Report Goes Back to UN General Assembly
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- There is a constant and exclusive discrimination against Israel.
- More than half of the council's meetings have dealt with condemning Israel for one reason or another.
- The council has approved more resolutions critical of Israel than resolutions criticizing any other UN member country.
- The UN rights council is dominated and used by countries obsessed with demonizing Israel and its democratic nature.
- The basic human rights of thousands of innocent people are violated throughout the world on a daily basis, but the council has and remains silent to their plight