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On Monday Syrian President Bashar Assad, in Istanbul for the meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, condemned "Zionist occupation". He warned Israel of the "legitimacy of Arab resistance" if peace talks fail and called for the demolition of settlements in the West Bank:
Palestine Video: The Separation Wall Falls (Again)
Mahmoud Abbas: “Israel Does Not Want Peace but We Do”
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Resistance to the occupation is a national duty. To support it is a moral and legal duty and standing by it is an honor which makes us proud.
Arabs have a fixed desire for the realization of a just and comprehensive peace on the basis of the return of the occupied territories, especially Occupied Syrian Golan but the failure of negotiations in returning all rights means existence of the resistance as an alternative solution.
What about dismantling settlements instead of stopping them and more importantly, what about ending the occupation? We must begin to work for the elimination of the occupation since it ensures us stopping then removing the settlements and not the opposite.
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