Iran: Green Message to Obama "Back Us Instead of Dealing With Ahmadinejad"

The Iran Cul-de-Sac: 4 Points on Obama’s Embrace of Ahmadinejad (and Rejection of the Green Movement)
The Latest from Iran (20 November): Manoeuvres in Washington
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UPDATED 1335 GMT: The Washington Times also has a report on the speech. The headline points are the same as those in the Wall Street Journal as is the description of Makhmalbaf, who "has become a spokesman outside Iran for the so-called Green Movement since the country's disputed June 12 presidential
UPDATED 1045 GMT: EA's Mr Smith has done some checking on the important question, raised by our readers, "To what extent does Makhmalbaf represent the Green Movement and Mir Hossein Mousavi?" The response, from those well-connected and well-versed in Iranian politics, is that "Makhmalbaf is not really connected with Mousavi. Nevertheless, Makhmalbaf acts at the least as a roving public ambassador for him."
Earlier this month, we learned of attempts from inside and outside the Green movement to persuade the Obama Administration to back away from an agreement with Tehran on uranium enrichment and the nuclear programme. That effort is in the open this morning.
The Wall Street Journal reveals the Washington mission by Mohsen Makhmalbaf, the filmmaker, "Presidential campaign spokesman for Mir Hossein Mousavi", and "international spokesman for Iran's main opposition movement". Speaking at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, he called for "President Barack Obama to increase his public support for Iranian democrats and significantly intensify financial pressure on Tehran's elite military unit, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps".
As for the nuclear discussions, Makhmalbaf said "that Iranian opposition leaders supported U.S. efforts to use diplomacy to contain the nuclear ambitions of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government". He warned, however, that the current talks would not produce an agreement and should be suspended:
Makhmalbaf suggested an agenda beyond the talks, with the targeted economic measures against the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps: "We need certain sanctions that put pressure on the government but not the people. But they must be done quickly, or they won't have an impact."
Most importantly, Makhmalbaf tried to replace the current nuclear-first priority of the Obama Administration with a democracy-first approach:
And, although it is not noted by the Journal, I suspect Makhmalbaf's visit had another essential aim. With the speech at the high-profile Carnegie Endowment, he is trying to repair the damage caused by last month's talk by Ataollah Mohajerani, a former Khatami Government minister and associate of Mehdi Karroubi, at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Mohajerani's speech, interpreted (wrongly, we think) by some Washington insiders as a Green manifesto, alienated US support because of its "hard-line" statements on nuclear weapons and Iran's position on Israel.
Makhmalbaf avoided those potential pitfalls on Thursday. Doing so, he is reaching out to officials in the State Department, the National Security Council, and Obama's White House (even if the CIA remains hostile to a Green ascendancy). We are not dead. You can work with us.
And now the follow-up: will he get a response?
The Latest from Iran (20 November): Manoeuvres in Washington
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UPDATED 1045 GMT: EA's Mr Smith has done some checking on the important question, raised by our readers, "To what extent does Makhmalbaf represent the Green Movement and Mir Hossein Mousavi?" The response, from those well-connected and well-versed in Iranian politics, is that "Makhmalbaf is not really connected with Mousavi. Nevertheless, Makhmalbaf acts at the least as a roving public ambassador for him."
Earlier this month, we learned of attempts from inside and outside the Green movement to persuade the Obama Administration to back away from an agreement with Tehran on uranium enrichment and the nuclear programme. That effort is in the open this morning.
The Wall Street Journal reveals the Washington mission by Mohsen Makhmalbaf, the filmmaker, "Presidential campaign spokesman for Mir Hossein Mousavi", and "international spokesman for Iran's main opposition movement". Speaking at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, he called for "President Barack Obama to increase his public support for Iranian democrats and significantly intensify financial pressure on Tehran's elite military unit, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps".
As for the nuclear discussions, Makhmalbaf said "that Iranian opposition leaders supported U.S. efforts to use diplomacy to contain the nuclear ambitions of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government". He warned, however, that the current talks would not produce an agreement and should be suspended:
If they agree not to pursue a nuclear bomb and start negotiations, they will lose their supporters. Definitely dialogue is better than war. ... But can you continue your dialogue without any results?
Makhmalbaf suggested an agenda beyond the talks, with the targeted economic measures against the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps: "We need certain sanctions that put pressure on the government but not the people. But they must be done quickly, or they won't have an impact."
Most importantly, Makhmalbaf tried to replace the current nuclear-first priority of the Obama Administration with a democracy-first approach:
We definitely want Obama to say he supports democracy...If he doesn't say that, he will lose his support in Iran.
Don't only focus on the nuclear issue and allow the Iranian government to crack down on the people. You need to focus on human rights.
And, although it is not noted by the Journal, I suspect Makhmalbaf's visit had another essential aim. With the speech at the high-profile Carnegie Endowment, he is trying to repair the damage caused by last month's talk by Ataollah Mohajerani, a former Khatami Government minister and associate of Mehdi Karroubi, at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Mohajerani's speech, interpreted (wrongly, we think) by some Washington insiders as a Green manifesto, alienated US support because of its "hard-line" statements on nuclear weapons and Iran's position on Israel.
Makhmalbaf avoided those potential pitfalls on Thursday. Doing so, he is reaching out to officials in the State Department, the National Security Council, and Obama's White House (even if the CIA remains hostile to a Green ascendancy). We are not dead. You can work with us.
And now the follow-up: will he get a response?
Reader Comments (13)
I have a question. To what extent is Makhmalbaf an official spokesman for Mir Hossein Mousavi? I know he's been called that by the media ever since he made pro-opposition statements while accepting a prize for a film, but is he really Mousavi's "international spokesman"?
exactly my question Catherine, where did Makmalbaf get designated official external spokesperson for Musavi? (especially when Musavi early on proclaimed that no one outside Iran speaks for him or for the reform movement) And didn't Musavi explicitly and recently reject sanctions? So who exactly is Makmalbaf speaking for? (and I say that, please, as one who much respects Makmalbaf's great body of work)
Could it be that unlike Mohajerani, because what Makmalbaf says is closer to what the neo-neocons want to hear, they are the ones making the designation. Very delicate subject area, to be sure.
I sincerely hope that KS & Carnegie will post the full transcript and/or video of the Makmalbaf appearance there. Anybody have a link?
That's an important question. I think one starting point is that, given the platform he had at Carnegie, he is perceived by well-placed US activists and officials as an envoy for the Green movement.
Hi Scott,
I'm sure that is the perception of US activists, but I asked the question because you referred to him as such in this post: "The Wall Street Journal reveals the Washington mission by Mohsen Makhmalbaf, the filmmaker and spokesman for Mir Hossein Mousavi.", which I found surprising.
As to the apparent substance of Makmalbaf's comments (if the WSJ is to trusted), what are we to make of a "democracy first" plank over that of a "nuclear first" diplomacy?
I am hardly a standard "realist," but surely readers have got to wonder about if we had applied that logic in dealing say, with North Korea, China, the Soviet Union, etc. A little analytical depth please.
We surely want to see Iran's own democracy norms "mushroom," but I for one also commend efforts to avoid the nuclear variety. The "right to life" -- enshrined also in the US Declaration of Independence -- those are human rights too....
I take the point. I have altered the text to reflect the title given in the WSJ article to Makhmalbaf. See also update with Mr Smith's answer to your original question.
Makhmalbaf has NO CONTACT to the Mousavi camp. A very reliable source close to that camp told me. All Mr. Makhmalbaf can and should do, is speaking out support for the GREENS. But he is NOT a spokesman. Claiming it is a HUGE mistake by Makhmalbaf endangering the entire movement. Shame!
So would this be kind of like if Obama had been cheated in an electoral coup and then George Lucas went overseas and started speaking for the Democrats?
I think Makhmalbaf is a close friend of Moussavi because after the iranian post electoral turmoil , when nobody had any news about Moussavi, and everybody thought he was arrested ( telephone and mobile didn't work ) , Makhmalbaf came to french TV and spoke about what had happened in Iran, that the situation was very dangerous in the country, that there is no news from Moussavi and asked the support of foreign countries for human rights ; I don't know what's the probleme when he speeks for the sake of green mouvement; everybody should do what he does to enlighten the public opinion wiping what the others like Mohajerani did !!! we are responsable !!
An other exemple : as if you wondered why Sazegara gave his daily advices in the name of green mouvement !!! everyone wants to help and to reach the victory !! it's honourable ! and you, just "do it ", Mr Assdollahmirza !!
Catherine, scott harrop, AsdollahMirza, Rev Magdalen,
Since when Mousavi has had monopoly for People Movement for freedom and democracy in Iran? Green was a color designation for Mousavi campaign (ironically designated by Iranian regime through drawing). Green now is a color of people resistance in Iran. Green Movement is not equal to Mousavi.
Makhmalbaf is one of the people in People Movement or Green Movement or whatever the heck Color (you want to call it) Movement against Iranian regime. if he can get an audience with policy makers in the U.S. to get message of Iranian people across more power to him and to people of Iran. What is your problem with that? Do you people not hear people chanting “Obama Obama ya ba oonh ya ba ma” Obama you are either with them (Iran regime) or with us (people of Iran)? What is it that Obama is doing with the Iran regime that people want him to reconsider? Nuke Negotiation. What is it that Obama is not doing and Iranians asking his focus on? Freedom and democracy in Iran. Then why is it that some of you are questioning Makhbalbaf assertion for “Freedom First” and Nuke Second” and others questioning his legitimacy as designated spokesman for Mousavi. If Mousavi has a problem with Freedom First and Nuke Second for people of Iran, then he is not the voice of masses in Iran and he better zip it.
Iranians also chanted on 13th Aban “Iran is plentiful and prosperous and does not need Nuke”, (Iran e Sabz o Khoram bomb atom ne mikhad). It is about time you guys worry about what people are asking not worrying about deeper analysis of if for example Mahkhbalbaf is reading Mousavi script.
Agree with Megan, Makhmalbaf is one of the many spokesmen for the green movement which started with where is my vote, a protest against the stolen election. What is important there is a large section of Iranians who don’t agree with this government and likes of Makhmalbaf believe any kind of negotiation with Iran regarding Nukes is pointless, which only legitimize the government with no agreement ever going to be reached. Green is the voice of oppositions thier common requests are;
• To revoke the recent presidential elections
• Free election with neutral supervision
To achieve that the despotic tyrants gripe on power should be loosened. President Obama needs to listen to their voice and conclude only a with free election Iran nuke situation will be resolved.
@ Megan and others who have reacted to the question about Makhbalkaf's position re Mousavi as if that were some sort of criticism:
Please bear in mind that my question was not about about whether he was doing good or harm to Mousavi and/or the Green movement or about whether he has a right to speak for the Green movement or in defense of Mousavi. I merely wanted to know if the gentleman was really an official international spokesman for Mousavi.