Iran-Israel Ship Encounter: Hezbollah & Syria Call Reject Claims of Tel Aviv's "Pirates"

Two Birds, One Stone: Netanyahu Attacks UN & Iran
Iran-Israel “Silent War”: Armed Ship Intercepted
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On Thursday, Hezbollah and Syria denied any connection with the ship, allegedly carrying arms from Iran, halted by Israel the previous day.
The Hezbollah statement called Israelis "pirates operating in international waters". Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem then stepped in to deny Israel's claims:
Iran-Israel “Silent War”: Armed Ship Intercepted
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The Hezbollah statement called Israelis "pirates operating in international waters". Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem then stepped in to deny Israel's claims:
Unfortunately there are official pirates disrupting the movement of goods between Iran and Syria. I stress, the ship was not carrying Iranian arms bound for Syria, nor was it carrying material for manufacturing weapons in Syria. It was carrying [commercial] goods from Syria to Iran.
Walid al-Moallem in
Middle East & Iran

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