Media End-Times: Glenn Beck Decides to Interpret Iran

The Latest from Iran (30 September): Confusion
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Words cannot describe the experience of watching Fox's man-over-the-edge and an "expert" with a large tie explain how Shi'a Islam, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the 12th Imam add up to genocide and nuclear annihiliation. However, I await Beck's next tin-hat analysis: "Why Pre-Milliennialist Christians Are Waving Hello to the Apocalypse".
(Did the Expert with a Tie really say, "Jesus forces people to convert [to Islam] or die"? And has he coined the term for the next social movement: "Secret Closet Twelver"?)
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Buy Us A Cup of Coffee? Help Enduring America Expand Its Coverage and Analysis
Words cannot describe the experience of watching Fox's man-over-the-edge and an "expert" with a large tie explain how Shi'a Islam, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the 12th Imam add up to genocide and nuclear annihiliation. However, I await Beck's next tin-hat analysis: "Why Pre-Milliennialist Christians Are Waving Hello to the Apocalypse".
(Did the Expert with a Tie really say, "Jesus forces people to convert [to Islam] or die"? And has he coined the term for the next social movement: "Secret Closet Twelver"?)