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Entries in South Carolina Primary (2)


US Elections Analysis: Assessing Gingrich and Romney in the Florida Primary

Only 120 miles of interstate highway I-95, cutting through Newt Gingrich's home state of Georgia, separate South Carolina and Florida, but those 120 miles could be vital in the ex-Speaker's crusade to be the next President of the United States.

The emphasis is on "could".  After Gingrich's stunning victory in Saturday's vote in South Carolina, and with eight days before the primary in Florida, no one can claim with any authority to know what is going to take place in the Sunshine State --- or the consequences of the outcome. 

Consider one piece of political wisdom widely cited after Gingrich's weekend triumph. Florida has an electoral system that allows easy access to early voting, and even before the South Carolina contest was resolved, around 30% of Floridians are estimated to have cast an absentee ballot. That would seem to favour Mitt Romney, as he held a healthy lead in Florida polls for some time, and his campaign machine has been encouraging his supporters to use the early voting option.

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US Elections Audio: Scott Lucas with BBC "Interpreting Gingrich's Win in South Carolina"

See also US Elections Analysis: A 4-Point Guide to Gingrich's South Carolina Victory
US Elections Opinion: Loving the Razzle-Dazzle, Hating the Soft-Money Campaign
US Elections Analysis: How Protests Over Campaign Finance and Ron Paul Could Change The Race

I spoke with BBC Radio 5 Live this morning about Newt Gingrich's victory in the Republican primary in South Carolina, raising some of the points that I made in an analysis for EA

How did Newt triumph in South Carolina, despite the revelations about his three marriages? Can he build on this win and overtake front-runner Mitt Romney? And what does this mean for the Republican challenge to President Obama in November?

The item starts at the 2:06.28 mark, with my comments beginning at 2:07.58.