UPDATED Iran & Sanctions: Could Tehran's Flights Be Grounded?

UPDATE 1530 GMT: Press TV has now posted a story which repeats the claim that Britain, Germany, the UAE, and Kuwait have suspended supplies of fuel.
Press TV adds denials from German'sTransport Ministry and Abu Dhabi airports that there was any ban; however, as EA readers have noted, this does not preclude a cutoff by private suppliers.
The German Bureau first alerted us to this potentially significant story this morning. A key pro-Government member of Parliament, Kazem Jalali, had spoken of court action against the US for its unilateral sanctions against Iran. Jalali specifically noted the American threat to suspend sales of aircraft fuel (see our morning updates).
Deep in the story was the note that theĀ United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Germany had followed the American lead and halted fuel supplies.
Hours later came the confirmation, via Iranian Students News Agency and then relayed outside Iran, from the secretary of Iranian Airlines Union: "Since last week, after the passing of the unilateral law by America and the sanctions against Iran, airports in England, Germany, the UAE have refused to give fuel to Iranian planes."
Peyke Iran followed by reporting that an Iran Air flight from Frankfurt, Germany had been postponed and might be cancelled due to the fuel shortage.
And now our German Bureau adds this bit of information: on Sunday Iran Air cancelled a flight to Hamburg, Germany.
Watch this (air)space for developments....
Iran Air. Kazem Jalali,
Press TV,
United Arab Emirates,
sanctions in
Middle East & Iran