1945 GMT: The Follow-Up to Friday. Mir Hossein Mousavi has issued
a statement condemning the treatment of Seyed Hassan Khomeini during his speech yesterday.
1915 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. An appeals court has approved a five-year prison sentence for Rajabali (Babak) Dashab. Dashab, arrested during the Ashura protests on 27 December, had been given a six term.
1715 GMT: Re-packaging the Supreme Leader. An interesting twist in Khabar Online's coverage of the Khamenei speech: rather than note his threats against the opposition,
the website says he emphasised that "even enemies and dissidents have to be treated with justice and piety".
NEW Iran Special: The Regime Disappoints, So It’s Over to the Opposition
NEW Iran Document: Detained Filmmaker Nourizad Writes the Supreme Leader
Latest Iran Video: Pro-Regime Crowd Shouts Down Khomeini Grandson (4 June)
Iran Snap Analysis: The Meaning of Today’s Khamenei-Ahmadinejad Show
The Latest from Iran (4 June): Ahmadinejad, Khamenei, & A Showdown?
1545 GMT: Beating the Oil Squeeze? Press TV reports that Iran, now accepting the withdrawal of Royal Dutch Shell and Spain's Repsol from Phases 13 and 14 of the South Pars oil and gas field as definiite, is
giving the project to the Iranian Khatam-ol-Osea Consortium for $5 billion.
1530 GMT: Jamming Neda. Voice of America reports that Iranian authorities
jammed a documentary,
For Neda, about Neda Agha-Soltan, who was killed during last year's post-election demonstrations.
The documentary, produced by Home Box Office in the US, was shown on Wednesday. It is due for re-broadcast on 12 June, the anniversary of the Presidential election, and 20 June, the anniversary of Neda's death, and it is also available on the Internet.
1515 GMT: More Support for Hassan Khomeini. In a letter to Seyed Hassan Khomeini, Ayatollah Bayat Zanjani
has condemned Friday's disruption of Khomeini's speech as a systematic attack planned by extremists “to take revenge from Imam (Khomeini,Hassan's grandfather) and his followers".
1500 GMT: We reported yesterday that human rights activist Saba Vasefi had escaped arrest when she was away during a security forces' raid on her home.
The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran now reports, from a "reliable source", that Vasefi was
hit by a motorcycle on Tuesday when she was in Shahryar, near Tehran, to check on a death penalty case. Vasefi struck her head on the road and is now in a coma.
1250 GMT: Reacting to Friday. The prominent conservative member of Parliament Ali Motahari has said that
the disruption of Seyed Hassan Khomeini’s speech was "very sad" and "against freedom of speech that is one of the principles of Islamic Revolution".
Significantly, Motahari accused President Ahmadinejad of organising the sabotage of Khomeini's appearance.
Motahari said, "Ahmadinejad is like a spoilt child in a family where the more he annoys others, the more he is appreciated by the parents. If judiciary had put [Mehdi] Karroubi, [Mir Hossein] Mousavi, and Ahmadinejad all on trial, this would not have happened."
The Islamic Society of Tehran University has requested
urgent action to be taken against those "small groups" who interrupted Hassan Khomeini, claiming the disruption was because of the hatred that the hardliners have for Imam Khomeini.
1245 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. A story that slipped by us earlier this week....
Parveneh Osanloo, the wife of labour activist Mansour Osanloo, has said that
her husband has been put in solitary confinement inside the Revolutionary Guard's Ward on new charges of “relations with state opposition groups”.
1240 GMT: Yesterday's Arrests. Tehran Police Chief Hossein Sajedinia has said
19 people were arrested during the commemorations of the death of Ayatollah Khomeini.
0715 GMT: Forgive
the blatant "Western" cultural reference in the title of the post, but this was my immediate thought after watching the regime's setpiece yesterday for the commemoration of Ayatollah Khomeini's death. We have an analysis of the day, from the Ahmadinejad-Khamenei speeches to the unexpected "highlight" with the shout-down of Khomeini's grandson,
in a separate entry.
In other news on an anti-climactic slow day (so far)....
Dastgheib's Support for MousaviThe English translation of
Ayatollah Dashgheib's letter to Mir Hossein Mousavi has been published:
I saw your statement which was published on Ordibehesht 23, 1389 (13 May 2010) and as I was certain of your religiousness, I am certain now too and I see you as someone with the love for Islam, Quran, and the Prophet’s and Holy Imam’s way of life, with good Islamic manner, devoted to Iran’s Islamic society, the establishment and the Islamic Republic of Iran, possessing honesty and purity, far from lies, betrayals and deceptions, and free from the love for earthly possessions and being in power.
What you stated about various issues are in accordance with the religious teachings and in compliance with the Constitution and the slogan of “independence, freedom and the Islamic Republic”. I, as a citizen, consider you useful and rather necessary for the continuation of the Islamic Revolution that was carried out by the people and the leadership of Imam Khomeini.
I am amazed by the people who considered themselves just but call your remarks, which are supported by reasons, deviation from the establishment and –-- may God have mercy on us –-- in confrontation with the establishment, and –-- may God have more mercy on us –-- accuse you unjustly, hideously and irrationally. These are disasters for you and us, and we should say, “We are all from God and we will return to him” about them.
Political Prisoner WatchWomen's rights activist Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh
has been sentenced to 2 1/2 years in jail and 30 lashes for "acts against national security". Abbasgholizadeh was arrested on 21 December on her way to the funeral of Grand Ayatollah Montazeri.