Save Our Universities: Join EA's Campaign Against Dangerous Leftie Professors

Why We Love Conservapedia: Outing Dangerous Professors
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As our loyal readers know, Enduring America devotes itself to ensuring that truth, apple pie, and the American Way are promoted on these pages. Unfortunately, others do not appreciate these values. Even today, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the demise of Fidel Castro, and the emergence of Glenn Beck as Ruler of the Media Universe,there are professors lingering in our classroom to spread their Marxist, truthiness-denying, baby-stealing ideas.
Fear not, Dear Reader. The patriots of The Leadership Institute, which is an institute that leads, have established a website called Campus Reform to purge these Red evildoers. (Yes, yes, Stalin and the Chinese had purges. But this is a Very Good Purge.) On this site, you can read, "Don't Let America Drift to Communism", "Support a Reformer" (Yes, yes, Lenin and Mao had reforms. But this is a Very Good Reform.), and, most importantly, "Take Back Your Campus" by naming, shaming, and running Leftie Professors out of town.
EA, your defender of Creationist Good Sense, supports this valiant campaign. Our first target is a nasty piece of work called Professor Scott Lucas at Vanderbilt University. He has been outed by a true Red, White, & Blue student, a Mr Graham Sheehan, as "an extremely dangerous lecturer, writer, and activist who should only be approached with caution", because of his "tactic amassing evidence in support of his analysis, overwhelming faith-based assertions".
It's easy, Dear Reader. Just sign in to Campus Reform, make yourself an honorary member of Vanderbilt University, and add your flag-waving comments. With your help, EA can drive this Lucas fellow into the Red academic hole where he belongs, reducing his rantings to some obscure website.
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Buy Us A Cup of Coffee? Help Enduring America Expand Its Coverage and Analysis

Fear not, Dear Reader. The patriots of The Leadership Institute, which is an institute that leads, have established a website called Campus Reform to purge these Red evildoers. (Yes, yes, Stalin and the Chinese had purges. But this is a Very Good Purge.) On this site, you can read, "Don't Let America Drift to Communism", "Support a Reformer" (Yes, yes, Lenin and Mao had reforms. But this is a Very Good Reform.), and, most importantly, "Take Back Your Campus" by naming, shaming, and running Leftie Professors out of town.
EA, your defender of Creationist Good Sense, supports this valiant campaign. Our first target is a nasty piece of work called Professor Scott Lucas at Vanderbilt University. He has been outed by a true Red, White, & Blue student, a Mr Graham Sheehan, as "an extremely dangerous lecturer, writer, and activist who should only be approached with caution", because of his "tactic amassing evidence in support of his analysis, overwhelming faith-based assertions".
It's easy, Dear Reader. Just sign in to Campus Reform, make yourself an honorary member of Vanderbilt University, and add your flag-waving comments. With your help, EA can drive this Lucas fellow into the Red academic hole where he belongs, reducing his rantings to some obscure website.

Reader Comments (13)
Yeah, around here we call him the "20th Hijacker." Every time he gives a lecture, it's like another 9/11. Plus a Holocaust. And the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Alright, I must say that I'm having a bit of a difficult run at this thing. There is so much sarcasm, sardonicism and dry humour (wow, I remembered to add the "u") going on here, that I can't quite tell what is what.
Now, I do know that the Lucas commentary above is certainly an attempt at sarcastic humor. That appears reasonably close to self-evident. What I can't quite clarify is the intent of the posting on the website. Because surely this is some form of parody as well?
Well now, I look, and it seems like the website as a whole takes itself fairly seriously. But surely this Mr. Sheehan's posting is of the tongue in cheek persuasion? And why does Mr. Sheehan place the esteemed Prof Lucas at Vanderbilt University, a place that he ran from as fast as possible after having first tasted British ale?
My preliminary conclusion is that Mr. Sheehan is most likely a British student of Prof Lucas', and possibly a 'leftie' one at that, having a joke with him. The reasons for this theory are twofold: 1) In Yankeeland, we don't have people with Lymie (or at least Canadian) names like "Graham Sheehan." 2) We also don't use the term "having a joke with" either. :)
I think the mystery continues. One answer I can offer is that the esteemed Vanderbilt University --- a noted hotbed of campus radicalism and the place where I spent my undergraduate years --- probably appears because only US campuses are listed at present on the site. I hope this is corrected soon, as I would like my infamy to spread internationally.
IMHO, EA does a splendid job of reporting/analyzing news here. However, the sidetrips taken to demean other news organizations while blowing the resident horn seem beneath the stature of the staff and products here.
Granted, EA generally does report the story first and with insight, but why not just get used to being the best and let the others be what they are?
As for this posting, am just ignoring it. Thank you all, journalists and commenters, for all the fine work displayed on these pages. You perform a genuine service for many who want to know what really is going on.
EA Fan
Possible break in the mystery ...
Individual with eerily similar arid sense of humour, sporting identical nom-de-plume, spotted posting on
Much appreciated and point taken. In this case, our vigilance against Lefties is just a bit of weekend fun and relaxation amidst the seriousness of the week's politics. (Though, of course, I can't speak for the mysterious Mr Sheehan or for Campus Reform)
Scott, not sure why I feel compelled to do this bit of translation/clarification, but reading Observer's comments above, it appears that he intended to make an overall comment about your blog, and he chose this spot (randomly?) to place it. I can personally think of several other locations where the comment would have been much more appropriate than this place. Anyway, I think the fact that the post is located here may be confusing you into thinking that the comment is about the Leftie Professors parody, or other little humourous things you occasionally do on EA. I don't think that it is, however.
I believe what Observer is trying to say is that he's noticed 2 creeping trends in EA: 1) An increasing tendency to self-congratulate (i.e. to point out each time you beat someone to a scoop, or analyzed something more correctly than others) 2) An increasing tendency to chronicle all the miscues of other news outlets and blogs (as well as the times they appeared to ape you - like the "Bring It On" item)
Observer's feeling on this is something like this "I agree - you are the best. Your readers think you are the best. However, you don't need to constantly point out that you are the best - it can rub people, even your loyal readers, the wrong way when done in excess."
I endorse Observer's 'observation' and Kevin Scott's explanation. I have felt the same lately. I'm a huge fan of EA and read it religiously several times a day, but I, too, could deal with a little less chest-beating regarding other news media. What I do appreciate, however, is EA's sharp analysis of where certain articles in major publications get the story wrong or only emphasise one aspect of a more complex issue/situation. That puts the article in its proper context for me. But I really don't care who got there first - just who's doing a better job reporting and analysing.
EA is not just mindlessly bragging. For one thing, new media is a highly competitive field and thus it's wise to broadly advertise your advantages. But also, EA is not a niche site, it's quite definitive when it comes to foreign policy. Silly, sardonic, and self-congratulatory anthems are just one tiny (negligible) piece of a complete, global perspective.
And really, when you scoop worldwide multi-million dollar media conglomerates with nothing but your wits and a wordpress install, I bet you'll be pretty vocal about it as well.
EA just makes it look easy - it isn't.
I just posted the link on facebook! I had to share this with my friends. HILARIOUS!
By the way, I'm sure that Graham is joking! I mean come on, this comment is so obvious: "This site, on a daily basis, deals with news on suspect areas like the Middle East and Iran. It also seems to make fun of those who believe Barack Obama is a Muslim, and I think it may also be having a joke with Glenn Beck, though I'm not entirely sure."
Well, this thread is for lighthearted humor:
To Our Dear EA contributer Ali Khamenei,
O man who believes he is divine, where are you when a proper denunciation is calling for your talents? Have you been busy beating up widows and robbing orphans? Shake off the grapes of Shiraz, grab your pen like an Ox-headed mace, string your words like the bow and bestow your wisdom on US infidels of the Great Satan to rid the world of islamocommiefascism and making it safe for your favored son to be a billionare.
UJ, in my experience here, have not seen Scott Lucas 'mindlessly' do anything. Quite the contrary in all his endeavors. Previous comments were meant only to imply that this site is so far above the multi-million dollar outfits that emphasizing same is superfluous.
And yes, agreed a thousand times over, the performance here is incredible. Mr. Lucas may have one advantage in that he is subject to no 'management level minders.' (Only a guess). On the other hand, he has no access to their potentially enormous resources.
I certainly don't know how he does it, but am grateful that he seems compelled to find the truth. The intelligence required to do that is no small factor. We all benefit, and of course, are always grateful. He must have many many readers who consider themselves his friends.
You also mentioned, "EA just makes it look easy – it isn’t." Yes indeed.
Many thanks to all for some very useful comments. I promise to do an ego-check and tone it down a bit on the self-promotion.
That said, I've been thinking quite a lot about the dynamics between "new" and "old" media, not just for the immediate issues that have come up over news coverage but also for wider political implications. Hope to run a few thoughts past you this week.