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Iran: Mehdi Karroubi Speaks with Journalists (27 October)

Latest Iran Video/Translation: Karroubi on Events in the Iran Media Fair
The Latest from Iran (28 October): No Lull

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KARROUBI3From Advar News, with translation by Facebook page linked to Mir Hossein Mousavi:

Karroubi: I am not afraid and I am ready to pay any price

Four days after the assault on Mehdi Karroubi by “reporter” thugs in the Media Fair, a group of journalists and reporters visited him at his home to comfort him, condemn the events happened at the Media Fair and ask him not to consider those horrible acts as what a real reporter would do.

When the journalists finished their remarks, everybody looked at Karroubi to listen to what he had to say. Karroubi, who that still had the wound mark that he received during the attack in Media Fair at his forehead, started by saying:
I have visited the Media Fair every year, but this year because of the widespread shutdown of the newspapers and the arrest of the journalists, I was more determined to visit the fair. I was not [personally] offended by the events that happened in the Fair, but rather I felt sorry because of some irrational and unconsidered behaviours. Actually it was good that I went to the fair so that the true nature of some people was unveiled.

Karroubi rejected the claims made by the Media Fair officials that they had warned Karroubi’s bodyguards of the intense atmosphere of the fair:
I attended the [media] fair completely unaware [of the situation] and the claims of some saying I was looking for trouble despite their warnings are completely bogus. But in any case I am amazed and I ask them, "Should I have asked for permission to go to the media fair?" I am amazed why the elders and more intelligent ones don’t prevent these kinds of inconsiderate actions.

We should not leave the field

Karroubi expressed hope that the rule of such ideas over the country does not last and advised the journalists present in the gathering to have patience and endurance and also to maintain balance. He added, “We should not leave the field, as the condition of our rivals is alarming and that’s why they react with these kinds of actions.”

Karroubi complained of the excessive pressure on the media over the past recent months. In response to some of the journalists who were asking him about starting publication of a newspaper, he said:
Every newspaper that is closed down [by the Government] renews my heartache, but with all that is happening, we are [always] trying to publish a new newspaper or publication. I don’t want to leave the field under any circumstances. I feel really sorry when I see some motivated journalists lose their jobs and their talents go to waste. It has been said that a stranger is the educated intellectual whose knowledge and intelligence has been alienated and now our real and professional journalists have become strangers.

Karroubi indicated that financial difficulties are the main problem in establishing “Saba” satellite television.

This friendly gathering ended with Mehdi Karroubi comforting the journalists: “Rest assure that the situation will not remain like this and the government has to change the situation and open up the [political] atmosphere. Moreover be certain that I as a clergyman will do what I know is my duty, and I am not afraid of paying its price.”

Latest Iran Video: Families of Detainees Protest (28 October)

Iran: Towards 13 Aban — The University Protests
The Latest from Iran (28 October): The Supreme Leader Jumps In

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Three videos of today's protest




Iran: Towards 13 Aban --- The University Protests

Latest Iran Video: University Protests (27 October)
The Latest from Iran (28 October): No Lull
The Latest from Iran (27 October): Domestic and Foreign Collide

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IRAN GREENThroughout yesterday, the reports and videos came in. A gathering of students (1500?) at Tehran University, dispersed by security guards. More protests at Azad University in Tehran. Video of a rally at Chamran University in Ahwaz, almost 500 miles from Tehran. Footage of a protest at Khaje Nasir University  of Technology in Tehran (now added to our video page).

Indeed, there were so many reports , and the need to verify them, that we could not keep up before we had an early close to the evening. And there is more, courtesy of an EA correspondent with excellent contacts in Iran.

There were also protests on Sunday at Allameh Tabatabei University in Tehran, with chants of "Death to the Dictator!". Students at Sharif University wore green clothing. At Gilan University in Rasht in northern Iran, a student shouted "Death to the Dictator", as Nezamuddin Mousavi, a supporter of President Ahmadinejad, was speaking (video available on YouTube). Perhaps most significantly, the heads of security of Iran's uiversities have met in Qom.

So we catch up to see this picture: unlike previous periods in this crisis, when opposition fell into silence, there was no lull between the drama of the Tehran Media Fair and Mehdi Karroubi's webcast and the University demonstrations of the last 48 hours. If this continues and indeed builds up to 13 Aban (4 November), expect a massive display of public frustration, concern, and hope. And maybe more importantly, expect no cessation after 13 Aban.

Iran: Are There Billions of Dollars Missing?

The Latest from Iran (28 October): No Lull

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IRAN TOMAN Rooz Online and The Inquistr website are featuring a report by Iran's State Audit Organization which found discrepancies of $66 billion in Government accounts, an amount equivalent to Iran’s average annual oil revenues.

The basics of the report were revealed months ago, but the extent of the missing funds came out Monday in Farda News, which is linked to Tehran Mayor Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf.

The largest of the budget discrepancies concern $35 billion of imported goods. Iran’s Central Bank reported almost $220 billion in purchases between 2005 and 2008, but Custom documents only $185 billion of goods arriving in the country. There are also gaps between reported revenue through exports of oil and other goods and deposits in the country’s central bank. Iran’s oil ministry recorded $255 billion from oil sales between 2005 and 2008, but Iran’s Central Bank reported receipt of $280 billion.

How should the "missing" billions be interpreted? Dr Seyed Mohammad Marandi of the University of Tehran contends that the amount is due to a dispute between the Ministry of Oil and the auditors over "different ways of carrying out their auditing". Dr Emanuele Ottolenghi, a fervent critic of the regime, claims that the cause is "economic mismanagement" with "liberal use of state revenue to fund activities that are not necessarily audited, such as nuclear procurement, terrorism and funding insurgencies abroad".

Pakistan Blast: At Least 95 Killed in Peshawar

Afghanistan: Attack on UN Guest House Kills 12

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A violent morning on both sides of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border: soon after learning of the Taliban gun battle in Kabul that left at least 12 dead, including six United Nations staff, news came through of a car bomb in the Khyber Bazaar at Peshawar. At least 95 are dead and 213  wounded.

The bombing occurred hours after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in the country for talks with Pakistani leaders. Another car bomb in Peshawar on 9 October killed 49 people. Video via CNN:

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