The Latest from Iran (15 June): Another Anniversary

1850 GMT: Claimed video of today's gathering at Behesht-e-Zahra cemetery, apparently at the grave of Sohrab Arabi:
1730 GMT: The Cemetery Protest. Reports coming in that at least eight people, six of them women, have been arrested in Beheshte-Zahra. One woman was detained as she talk to the mother of the slain protester Sohrab Arabi.
1725 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. HRANA reports that Sadra Aghassi and Naem Ahmadi of Tabriz University's Islamic Student Association were arrested on 14 June, 2010.
Allameh Tabatabei University student Koroush Jannati was arrested on 12 June by intelligence agents after reporting to the university’s security office.
1715 GMT: The Mousavi Charter. The Los Angeles Times has an interesting reading of today's declaration by Mir Hossein Mousavi of objectives and strategies for the Green Movement.
The website notes that most of Mousavi's statement points to reform within the Iranian system with statements such as....
However, the Times notes one passage in the PDF version of the statement, but omitted from the version on Mousavi's website Kalemeh, that points to a separation of state and religion: "Maintaining the independence of religious and clerical bodies from the regime is the only option to preserve the exalted status of religion in the Iranian society and it will be one of the main principles hitting high on the agenda of the Green Movement.
1703 GMT: Today's Demonstrations. Dissected News reports from a source (see comments below) that about 200 family members of "Detainees of 12 June" gathered in front of Evin Prison, demanding the freedom of their relatives. The gathering lasted until dark.
Activists are reporting, and opposition websites are carrying the story, that about 300 people have gathered in Behesht-e-Zahra cemetery to pay their respects to those slain in post-election clashes, including Sohrab Arabi and Ramin Ramezani. Two people who were taping the ceremony have reportedly been arrested, and security presence is high.
1700 GMT: Khordaad 88 have posted an English translation of Mir Hossein Mousavi's Monday statement, which hailed the Iranian people's fortitude over 22 Khordaad (12 June) and condemned the weekend attacks on clerics.
We are still awaiting a full translation of Mousavi's declaration today of a "charter" for the Green Movement.
1650 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. Labour activist Behnam Ebrahimzadeh was arrested during Saturday's demonstrations. It is claimed that Ebrahimzadeh, beaten during his detention, suffered two broken ribs and multiple injuries.
1645 GMT: Propaganda of Day. This line, set out by Minister of Intelligence Heydar Moslehi, may be just a bit too blatant to work.
Moslehi said Tuesday that several people linked to the "terrorist" People's Mujahedin of Iran had been arrested over plans to carry out bombings on 22 Khordaad (12 June), the anniversary of the election: “Two terrorist teams of hypocrites were identified and their key members were arrested” The alleged plan was to “carry out bombings in several Tehran squares" (i.e., the squares where the regime put out security forces on Saturday to deter gatherings).
Britain, France, and Sweden were the foreigners accused of “backing” the PMOI (Britain, of course, as the "Little Satan", France for its recent anti-Iran rhetoric, but why Sweden?). And one of the suspects had been arrested “in a student dormitory” (i.e., a student dormitory like the one that security forces attacked last 14-15 June, killing several people).
1625 GMT: Attack by the Clerics. Rooz Online in English has an overview, covering many of the events we have noted in the updates, of the criticism by clerics of the treatment of Seyed Hassan Khomeini at the 4 June ceremony for his grandfather.
1315 GMT: Mousavi's Charter. The first English-language report on Mir Hossein Mousavi's charter for the Green Movement, posted this morning (see 0940 GMT), comes from Agence France Presse. The article leads with Mousavi's call for "a fair trial of those who committed the election fraud, tortured and killed protesters" and mentions his demand for an "end to the involvement of police and military forces in politics, the independence of the judiciary, and prosecution of those in plainclothes".
1240 GMT: Concluding and Pronouncing. Yet another sweeping assessment of the Green Movement, this time from Karim Sadjadpour.
Most of Sadjadpour's piece consists of recommendations such as "Go Beyond Street Protests", for example, with strikes, "Organize Abroad", and "Reach Out to 'Ali The Plumber'" --- and he does conclude with hope, "The path to democracy is both delicate and daunting, and not guaranteed. A pessimist might argue, however, that a far more daunting task will be for the Islamic Republic to indefinitely sustain a politically repressive, socially restrictive, economically floundering theocracy in the 21st century."
Still, it's the opening of the piece, issued as truth even before Saturday had concluded, that sets the tone and catches the eye: "The anniversary of Iranʼs tainted presidential elections came and went without much sign of life from the opposition Green Movement. Aside from scattered protests, activists were understandably cowed by governmental intimidation and heeded the advice of opposition elders to preserve their powder for future battles."
1115 GMT: Beyond Facebook. Amidst the current discussion on new and social media and the Green Movement, an interesting contribution by Mohammad Sadeghi, the organiser of the Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard Supporters' Networks on Facebook: "The Green Movement is crafting a new and nonviolent political discourse that holds tremendous repercussions for a region in which the vast majority of civil actors are anything but peaceful. This movement is the culmination of more than 100 years of struggle by the Iranian people to secure their basic rights and liberties. Let's use this opportunity to remind ordinary Iranians of the amazing and very real victories they have already won, and not lecture them about their inefficacy and inefficiency, which is wholly imagined and miscalculated."
0940 GMT: A Charter for the Greens. It was promised, and now it's published: Kalemeh has posted Mir Hossein Mousavi's statement of objectives and strategies for the Green Movement.
Inconveniently, I have to go to an academic meeting, so I'll hand over to readers for perusal and comment.
0935 GMT: Beyond Green Tweets. We've published an analysis by Mahmood Enayat, "Iran's Green Communications: Beyond Twitter to 'Small Media'".
0930 GMT: Remembering. Rah-e-Sabz publishes names and details of 29 people killed on 25 Khordaad (15 June) last year.
0855 GMT: The Battle Within. Khabar Online --- have we mentioned that it is the website linked to Speaker of Parliament Ali Larijani? --- assesses that President Ahmadinejad's televised interview on the anniversary of his "victory" will upset "even the hardliners".
There's a bit of evidence for that assertion from Kayhan, which analyses that some people have "given wrong advice" to Ahmadinejad, "incompatible with his Islamic revolutionary thoughts". Looks like the President's criticism of "morality police" for pressuring people over "bad hijab" and other transgressions is not going down that well....
On another front, Hamid Reza Fouladgar, who oversees privatisation matters in Parliament, has commented about the dispute over implementation of Majlis laws by Ahmadinejad: "After 1 week of discussions, we were met with his silence, hopefully a good sign/"
0845 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. The father of student activist Mohammad Reza Jalaiepour, of the Third Way Movement, has described his son's re-arrest: those carrying out the raid "told us Ahmadinejad will stay for a third term".
0840 GMT: The Attacks on the Clerics. Writing in Rah-e-Sabz, analyst Mohammad Javad Akbarein claims that there is a circle of regime politicians and clerics, including Hojatoleslam Ruhollah Hosseinian, formier Minister of Intelligence Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejeie, Mohammad Golpayegani, and Hamid Rasaie, who have been organising attacks against "opposition" marja (senior clerics) and their followers for years.
0835 GMT: Where's Mahmoud? President Ahmadinejad is returning to Tehran after a visit to Assalouyeh in the Persian Gulf province of Bushehr to sign contracts to expand Phases 13, 14, 23, 22, 19 and 24 of the South Pars oil and gas fields.
The story behind Ahmadinejad's trip is that the contracts have been rewritten after the withdrawal of foreign companies, including Royal Dutch Shell and Spain's Repsol, from development. The work was re-allocated to Iranian firms, including some allegedly connected with the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps.
0830 GMT: We've corrected an oversight by posting President Obama's official statement, emphasising human rights, on the anniversary of Iran's election.
0620 GMT: As Iran marks another anniversary --- this one of last year's mass protest against the outcome of the Presidential election --- we post an analysis considering latest developments and media coverage, "Missing the Important Story?"
Getting Around the Energy Squeeze?
Iranian state media is giving big play to the signature of a $7.5 billion "peace pipeline" deal between Iran and Pakistan for delivery of natural gas to Islamabad by 2014.
Which is fair enough, but still does not quite cope with the issue of if Tehran can maintain both its exports and imports of energy supplies over the next four years.
Shutting Down the News...And Literature
We have an update on Iran's filtering of news sites. Meanwhile, Rah-e-Sabz reports that there is widespread filtering of Persian literary blogs and the philosophical magazine Rokhdaad.
Rumour of Day
Tahavole Sabz claims that the word is being sent out to Iran's parents: come out and greet President Ahmadinejad or your kids won't be enrolled in school.
NEW Iran’s Green Communications: Beyond Twitter to “Small Media” (Enayat)
NEW Iran Analysis: Missing the Important Story?
Iran: The Attack on Montazeri, Sane’i, Karroubi
Iran Analysis: The Regime’s Next Push Against “Nothing Special”
The Latest from Iran (14 June): The 2nd Year Is Underway….
1730 GMT: The Cemetery Protest. Reports coming in that at least eight people, six of them women, have been arrested in Beheshte-Zahra. One woman was detained as she talk to the mother of the slain protester Sohrab Arabi.
1725 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. HRANA reports that Sadra Aghassi and Naem Ahmadi of Tabriz University's Islamic Student Association were arrested on 14 June, 2010.
Allameh Tabatabei University student Koroush Jannati was arrested on 12 June by intelligence agents after reporting to the university’s security office.
1715 GMT: The Mousavi Charter. The Los Angeles Times has an interesting reading of today's declaration by Mir Hossein Mousavi of objectives and strategies for the Green Movement.
The website notes that most of Mousavi's statement points to reform within the Iranian system with statements such as....
The Green Movement reaffirms its commitment to human, moral, religious and Iranian principles and values and feels obliged to refine and reform the behaviors of the Islamic Republic of Iran....The Green Movement is in continuation of Iranian people's efforts to attain freedom and social justice and national sovereignty...These objectives had already been pursued in the Constitutional Revolution, Oil Nationalization Movement [of 1951] and the [1979] Islamic Revolution.”
However, the Times notes one passage in the PDF version of the statement, but omitted from the version on Mousavi's website Kalemeh, that points to a separation of state and religion: "Maintaining the independence of religious and clerical bodies from the regime is the only option to preserve the exalted status of religion in the Iranian society and it will be one of the main principles hitting high on the agenda of the Green Movement.
1703 GMT: Today's Demonstrations. Dissected News reports from a source (see comments below) that about 200 family members of "Detainees of 12 June" gathered in front of Evin Prison, demanding the freedom of their relatives. The gathering lasted until dark.
Activists are reporting, and opposition websites are carrying the story, that about 300 people have gathered in Behesht-e-Zahra cemetery to pay their respects to those slain in post-election clashes, including Sohrab Arabi and Ramin Ramezani. Two people who were taping the ceremony have reportedly been arrested, and security presence is high.
1700 GMT: Khordaad 88 have posted an English translation of Mir Hossein Mousavi's Monday statement, which hailed the Iranian people's fortitude over 22 Khordaad (12 June) and condemned the weekend attacks on clerics.
We are still awaiting a full translation of Mousavi's declaration today of a "charter" for the Green Movement.
1650 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. Labour activist Behnam Ebrahimzadeh was arrested during Saturday's demonstrations. It is claimed that Ebrahimzadeh, beaten during his detention, suffered two broken ribs and multiple injuries.
1645 GMT: Propaganda of Day. This line, set out by Minister of Intelligence Heydar Moslehi, may be just a bit too blatant to work.
Moslehi said Tuesday that several people linked to the "terrorist" People's Mujahedin of Iran had been arrested over plans to carry out bombings on 22 Khordaad (12 June), the anniversary of the election: “Two terrorist teams of hypocrites were identified and their key members were arrested” The alleged plan was to “carry out bombings in several Tehran squares" (i.e., the squares where the regime put out security forces on Saturday to deter gatherings).
Britain, France, and Sweden were the foreigners accused of “backing” the PMOI (Britain, of course, as the "Little Satan", France for its recent anti-Iran rhetoric, but why Sweden?). And one of the suspects had been arrested “in a student dormitory” (i.e., a student dormitory like the one that security forces attacked last 14-15 June, killing several people).
1625 GMT: Attack by the Clerics. Rooz Online in English has an overview, covering many of the events we have noted in the updates, of the criticism by clerics of the treatment of Seyed Hassan Khomeini at the 4 June ceremony for his grandfather.
1315 GMT: Mousavi's Charter. The first English-language report on Mir Hossein Mousavi's charter for the Green Movement, posted this morning (see 0940 GMT), comes from Agence France Presse. The article leads with Mousavi's call for "a fair trial of those who committed the election fraud, tortured and killed protesters" and mentions his demand for an "end to the involvement of police and military forces in politics, the independence of the judiciary, and prosecution of those in plainclothes".
1240 GMT: Concluding and Pronouncing. Yet another sweeping assessment of the Green Movement, this time from Karim Sadjadpour.
Most of Sadjadpour's piece consists of recommendations such as "Go Beyond Street Protests", for example, with strikes, "Organize Abroad", and "Reach Out to 'Ali The Plumber'" --- and he does conclude with hope, "The path to democracy is both delicate and daunting, and not guaranteed. A pessimist might argue, however, that a far more daunting task will be for the Islamic Republic to indefinitely sustain a politically repressive, socially restrictive, economically floundering theocracy in the 21st century."
Still, it's the opening of the piece, issued as truth even before Saturday had concluded, that sets the tone and catches the eye: "The anniversary of Iranʼs tainted presidential elections came and went without much sign of life from the opposition Green Movement. Aside from scattered protests, activists were understandably cowed by governmental intimidation and heeded the advice of opposition elders to preserve their powder for future battles."
1115 GMT: Beyond Facebook. Amidst the current discussion on new and social media and the Green Movement, an interesting contribution by Mohammad Sadeghi, the organiser of the Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard Supporters' Networks on Facebook: "The Green Movement is crafting a new and nonviolent political discourse that holds tremendous repercussions for a region in which the vast majority of civil actors are anything but peaceful. This movement is the culmination of more than 100 years of struggle by the Iranian people to secure their basic rights and liberties. Let's use this opportunity to remind ordinary Iranians of the amazing and very real victories they have already won, and not lecture them about their inefficacy and inefficiency, which is wholly imagined and miscalculated."
0940 GMT: A Charter for the Greens. It was promised, and now it's published: Kalemeh has posted Mir Hossein Mousavi's statement of objectives and strategies for the Green Movement.
Inconveniently, I have to go to an academic meeting, so I'll hand over to readers for perusal and comment.
0935 GMT: Beyond Green Tweets. We've published an analysis by Mahmood Enayat, "Iran's Green Communications: Beyond Twitter to 'Small Media'".
0930 GMT: Remembering. Rah-e-Sabz publishes names and details of 29 people killed on 25 Khordaad (15 June) last year.
0855 GMT: The Battle Within. Khabar Online --- have we mentioned that it is the website linked to Speaker of Parliament Ali Larijani? --- assesses that President Ahmadinejad's televised interview on the anniversary of his "victory" will upset "even the hardliners".
There's a bit of evidence for that assertion from Kayhan, which analyses that some people have "given wrong advice" to Ahmadinejad, "incompatible with his Islamic revolutionary thoughts". Looks like the President's criticism of "morality police" for pressuring people over "bad hijab" and other transgressions is not going down that well....
On another front, Hamid Reza Fouladgar, who oversees privatisation matters in Parliament, has commented about the dispute over implementation of Majlis laws by Ahmadinejad: "After 1 week of discussions, we were met with his silence, hopefully a good sign/"
0845 GMT: Political Prisoner Watch. The father of student activist Mohammad Reza Jalaiepour, of the Third Way Movement, has described his son's re-arrest: those carrying out the raid "told us Ahmadinejad will stay for a third term".
0840 GMT: The Attacks on the Clerics. Writing in Rah-e-Sabz, analyst Mohammad Javad Akbarein claims that there is a circle of regime politicians and clerics, including Hojatoleslam Ruhollah Hosseinian, formier Minister of Intelligence Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejeie, Mohammad Golpayegani, and Hamid Rasaie, who have been organising attacks against "opposition" marja (senior clerics) and their followers for years.
0835 GMT: Where's Mahmoud? President Ahmadinejad is returning to Tehran after a visit to Assalouyeh in the Persian Gulf province of Bushehr to sign contracts to expand Phases 13, 14, 23, 22, 19 and 24 of the South Pars oil and gas fields.
The story behind Ahmadinejad's trip is that the contracts have been rewritten after the withdrawal of foreign companies, including Royal Dutch Shell and Spain's Repsol, from development. The work was re-allocated to Iranian firms, including some allegedly connected with the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps.
0830 GMT: We've corrected an oversight by posting President Obama's official statement, emphasising human rights, on the anniversary of Iran's election.
0620 GMT: As Iran marks another anniversary --- this one of last year's mass protest against the outcome of the Presidential election --- we post an analysis considering latest developments and media coverage, "Missing the Important Story?"
Getting Around the Energy Squeeze?
Iranian state media is giving big play to the signature of a $7.5 billion "peace pipeline" deal between Iran and Pakistan for delivery of natural gas to Islamabad by 2014.
Which is fair enough, but still does not quite cope with the issue of if Tehran can maintain both its exports and imports of energy supplies over the next four years.
Shutting Down the News...And Literature
We have an update on Iran's filtering of news sites. Meanwhile, Rah-e-Sabz reports that there is widespread filtering of Persian literary blogs and the philosophical magazine Rokhdaad.
Rumour of Day
Tahavole Sabz claims that the word is being sent out to Iran's parents: come out and greet President Ahmadinejad or your kids won't be enrolled in school.
22 Khordaad,
25 Khordaad,
Agence France Presse,
Ali Larijani,
Barack Obama,
Behnam Ebrahimzadeh,
Dissected News,
Evin Prison,
Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejeie,
Hamid Rasaie,
Hamid Reza Fouladgar,
Heydar Moslehi,
Hojatoleslam Ruhollah Hosseinian,
Iran Elections 2009,
Islamic Revolution Guards Corps,
Karim Sadjadpour,
Khabar Online,
Khordaad 88,
Los Angeles Times,
Mahmood Enayat,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
Mir Hossein Mousavi,
Mohammad Golpayegani,
Mohammad Javad Akbarein,
Mohammad Reza Jalaiepour,
Mohammad Sadeghi,
Ostad Agha,
Ramin Ramezani,
Rooz Online,
Royal Dutch Shell,
Sohrab Arabi,
Tahavole Sabz,
Third Way Movement,
Zahra Rahnavard in
Middle East & Iran

Reader Comments (24)
Amid the unrest on June 12, 2010, and according to several semi-official local websites, a group called “Jombesh Jam’e Yaran” or “Yaran Collective” has issued a formal statement claiming that it had gained access to one of IRIB’s buildings and briefly disrupted the regular broadcasting.(...)
Yaran Collective had just recently published its mission statement announcing the launching of its activities by the group comprised of dissenting members of the Revolutionary Guards and the Ministry of Intelligence. (! Wk ...)
After demonstrating the extent of their power and maneuvering the degree of their influence and ability to infiltrate the heavily guarded and impervious centers, the Yaran Collective forces proceeded to leave the building.
http://persian2english.com/?p=11862" rel="nofollow">http://persian2english.com/?p=11862
RE 0840 GMT: The Attacks on the Clerics.
Clerics Square Off Against Ahmadinejad
Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, chairman of the Expediency Council, said during the Council’s meeting yesterday – from which Ahmadinejad was absent – that ayatollah Khamenei too has condemned the anniversary events and described private discussions between himself and ayatollah Khamenei on that day.
http://www.roozonline.com/english/news/newsitem/article/2010/june/15//clerics-square-off-against-ahmadinejad.html" rel="nofollow">http://www.roozonline.com/english/news/newsitem...
I don't know if this has already been posted here or not, but Mohammad Nourizad's letter to Imam Khomeini’s grandson Seyyed Hassan Khomeini is one of the most direct and harshest critiques of Khamenei I have seen to date:
Nourizad’s Letter to Imam Khomeini’s Grandchild.
http://khordaad88.com/?p=1682" rel="nofollow">http://khordaad88.com/?p=1682
Mr Verde - you should read this if you're out there. I think we're definitely getting "up close and personal" now!
Iran bars 71 'improperly' dressed women from planes
Iranian airports security chief Nabiollah Heidari told ILNA news agency that "in the first 82 days of the current Iranian year (which began on March 21), 71 women were barred from boarding flights because they were improperly dressed."
... The punishment for women flouting the strict dress code is a fine of up to 13 million rials (1,300 dollars).
... Heidari also said that warnings were issued to 87,714 women during these 82 days for not covering their hair properly, while 3,506 such women gave "commitments" that they would follow the Islamic dress code.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100614/wl_mideast_afp/iransocialwomen_20100614134503" rel="nofollow">http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100614/wl_mideast...
And related to the articl above, read this article published in the WSJ, but luckily posted here on one author's blog, so you can actually read it (the WSJ has gone over to subscripion only browsing):
Iran’s War on Women
By NIR BOMS AND SHAYAN ARYA , June 15th, 2010
http://nirboms.com/archives/irans-war-on-women/" rel="nofollow">http://nirboms.com/archives/irans-war-on-women/
RE privatisation
Iran starts preparing to launch subsidy reform
http://af.reuters.com/article/energyOilNews/idAFDAH41809620100614?pageNumber=2&virtualBrandChannel=0" rel="nofollow">http://af.reuters.com/article/energyOilNews/idA...
U.S. and Norway lead bid to rebuke Iran at U.N. rights forum
Some 50 countries are poised to censure Iran at the U.N. Human Rights Council for its violent crackdown on dissidents and political opponents after elections a year ago, diplomats and activists said on Monday.
The United States and Norway are heavily lobbying other states to endorse the strongly-worded statement, which Oslo's delegation is expected to present formally on Tuesday at the Geneva-based body, they said.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100614/pl_nm/us_iran_rights_un" rel="nofollow">http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100614/pl_nm/us_ir...
AFP's take on the Charter: Iran vote fraudsters must go on trial: Mousavi
http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100615/wl_mideast_afp/iranpoliticsopposition_20100615111658" rel="nofollow">http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100615/wl_mideast...
Hi Catherine, thank`s for this link.
"The text also urges Iran to make good on its promise to allow visits by U.N. human rights investigators".
During the last "Human Rights Council" at the 15. February 2010, held in Geneve, the iranian delegation made the promise to led human rights investigators inside the country. Anybody know what will happen if the terrible dictators will deny them access into Iran?
RE 1240 GMT: Concluding and Pronouncing. "Still, it’s the opening of the piece, issued as truth even before Saturday had concluded, that sets the tone and catches the eye: “The anniversary of Iranʼs tainted presidential elections came and went without much sign of life from the opposition Green Movement."
Scott, there are quiote a few articles that start out saying that the anniversary of the 2009 elections was muted of without many signs of protest and then go on to report that actually quite a lot was happening or what a great impact the GM has had, or in this case, giving excellent advise on how to proceed. This is because protesters DID keep a low profile, especially in compoarison with last year.
Here's one which includes some amusing details of what protesters were doing and saying on the streets of Tehran:
Muted Protests Mark Iran Vote Anniversary
Opposition supporters marked the first anniversary of Iran’s disputed presidential election with a limited presence on the streets of the capital Tehran, avoiding major confrontations but keeping the police busy until late in the evening.
.... then from here on: "Despite this, protesters did take to the streets from around four to ten in the evening, chanting slogans and honking car horns.", it reports that quite a bit did happen.
http://www.mianeh.net/en/articles/?aid=334" rel="nofollow">http://www.mianeh.net/en/articles/?aid=334
Catherine, although I don't know you, we *must* be twins! I just posted the same article - on another website - under the "latest of Iran June 14th". Beat you by 10 minutes though... :-)
this report this morning from a source in Iran:
On June 14 about 200 family members of detainees of June 12 Uprising gathered in front of Evin Prison demanding the freedom of their beloveds. They unanimously said that their beloveds have been arrested without reason:
Father of Porya Ali Akber 25 having his son medicine in his hand said that Porya has epilepsy and wanted the medicine to be given to his son if he is transferred to Evin.
Families of Farnoosh Vefghi and Azam Akhlagi were looking for their daughters who were lost on June 12 but they received no answer.
Family of Daryoush Ebadi who was arrested groundlessly in Enghelab Ave. was looking for him in Evin.
A 45 years old man was looking for his 65 years old mother and her daughter. He said they were just walking in the street but they were arrested on no reason and taken to unknown location.
A young man said that his fiancé and sister have been arrested arbitrary in the street on June 12. He too received no answer from the henchmen of Evin.
Some families said that their children of their friends have been beaten and arrested just because they had taken their cell phone out to talk.
The gathering lasted till after dark.
Uranium Deal Watch
AN said Iran's nuclear fuel swap deal brokered by Brazil and Turkey last month was "still alive," state television reported on its website on Tuesday.
"The Tehran declaration is still alive and can play a role in international relations even if the arrogant (Western) powers are upset and angry," he said in a meeting with visiting Turkish parliament speaker Mehmet Ali Shahin.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100615/wl_afp/irannuclearpolitics" rel="nofollow">http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100615/wl_afp/ira...
Hmm? Anyone interested? A very obvious attempt to play the nuclear card again, but when I look at today's news it appears as if sanctions and condemnation of human rights violations have taken the lead.
Now it is the time for us, the people, to speak out, to remind the world of our sufferings, of more than 100 killed protesters, whose murderers have never been punished, of thousands of arrested protesters, still languishing in the jails, of nearly 100 journalists, muted behind prison bars, of more than 20 dailies and journals shut down, of dozens of human rights activists, whose only fault it is to defend the rights of other civilians, of labour activists like Mansour Osanloo who defend worker's rights, of...
Can anyone confirm rally and large security forces at home of Kianoosh Asa today?
Here's my analysis of the confusing statements by Mousavi about secularism. He's hedging his bets. As unrest is on the rise, hope within the Green Movement is rekindled, and anger against him for cancelling the June 12th rally increases, he's looking for a way to turn "revolutionary" if he needs to. It's a theory right now.
Here are my comments on the days events: http://www.dissectednews.com/2010/06/cutting-the-branches-they-are-sitting-on.html" rel="nofollow">http://www.dissectednews.com/2010/06/cutting-th...
Sanctions Watch
Australia has implemented the UN sanctions immediately, including Bank Mellat, Irisl Shipping Line and IRGC-General Rostam Qasemi, the commander of Khatem ol-Anbiya Construction Organisation. http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/national/australia-announces-iran-sanctions/story-e6freooo-1225879995565" rel="nofollow">http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/national/aus...
Please forward my kindest regards to your representatives :-)
Hi Arshama
I think the Australian Govt is playing it's own version of "Look over there!!" :) An election is looming here and it's not looking good for the incumbents.
English translation of the "charter." http://www.facebook.com/mousavi/posts/125700067470417" rel="nofollow">http://www.facebook.com/mousavi/posts/125700067...
There's a smattering of promising passages for secularists, but also a sizable peppering of contradictory statements.
Hi Barry,
I already suspected some "secondary" benefits to this declaration, but how does it help the incumbents? After all Iran is not really a direct neighbour, or do you have a politically influentual Iranian minority over there ;-)
http://www.mapcrow.info/Distance_between_Tehran_IR_and_Brisbane_AS.html" rel="nofollow">http://www.mapcrow.info/Distance_between_Tehran...
We have many Iranians here - as we have many other nationalities. I would not call them in any way "politically influential". The noisiest "immigrant nationalities" are the anti-Israel ones - but they do not get much support or even recognition apart from that of a small number of homegrown left wing "Socialists". Surprisingly, these are mostly second generation "immigrants - ie born in Australia.
I do not know why the Oz Govt has come out with this statement re the Iran sanctions so quickly. But I suspect that right now , anything "positive" such that Australians "look over there", rather than look here at the problems the incumbents have created for themselves recently is the order of the day.
In general, although most Aussies are fairly apathetic about situations like that in Iran today, I do believe that the average have been "antipathetic" towards the Islamic regime in Iran since the every early days. The taking of American hostages for such a long time was not viewed well at all here - and is not forgotten.
RE Muted Protests Mark Iran Vote Anniversary
You got it in 10 seconds earlier ..... but I linked to the article on its original website (I think) AND we each posted it in 2 equally relevant places on EA! :-) We're definitely on the same wave length as well as in the same time zone ;-)
RE 1715 GMT: The Mousavi Charter. The Times notes one passage in the PDF version omitted on Mousavi’s website that points to a separation of state and religion: “Maintaining the independence of religious and clerical bodies from the regime is the only option to preserve the exalted status of religion in the Iranian society and it will be one of the main principles hitting high on the agenda of the Green Movement.
Khordaad's translation only has this under the heading 'Green Identity, Iranian-Islamic treasure', point 1. :"...they [The fundamental principles of the Green Movement ] should oppose the use of religion as an instrument and protect the independence of religious institutions and clergymen from the state in order to preserve the prominent position of religion; and, finally, they should maintain the continuous and important role of religion in our society." http://khordaad88.com/?p=1691#more-1691" rel="nofollow">http://khordaad88.com/?p=1691#more-1691
Not quite the same message!
RE Britain, France, and Sweden were the foreigners accused of “backing” the PMOI (Britain, of course, as the “Little Satan”, France for its recent anti-Iran rhetoric, but why Sweden?)
Maybe they've just confused Sweden with Norway, who together with the US, crafted the statement rebuking Iran for its human rights record that won the backing of all 27 European Union nations and more than two dozen other countries.on Tuesday (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100615/ap_on_re_eu/un_un_iran_human_rights" rel="nofollow">http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100615/ap_on_re_eu...).
Something similar happened during the Danish Mohamed cartoons controversy. The Netherlands was confused with Denmark in some Arab countries and angry protesters ended up burning the Dutch flag instead of the Danish one - seriously!
Thank you, Barry, for your useful explanation. Reminds me very much of our incumbent Christian Democrat - Liberals coalition, demanded by the opposition and media to leave ;-)
As to the hostage-taking, it announced this regime's true nature right from the start: violation of international rules and contempt of human rights. Not very different 31 years later...