Iran: Mousavi Meeting with Reformists (30 September)

UPDATED Iran: So What’s This “National Unity Plan”?
The Latest from Iran (30 September): Confusion
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We have been commenting throughout the day on Mir Hossein Mousavi's meeting with the reformist Imam Khomeini faction, including the possible connection with a "National Unity Plan" and Mousavi's abandonment of a political opposition for a "social movement" working inside the system. The Facebook page connected with Mousavi has now translated the Parleman News article on the meeting:
According to Parleman News, in a meeting with the central council members of the minority faction of the Parliament (reformist), Mir Hossein Mousavi stressed that today more than ever the need for national unity is felt by the people and the borders that had divided the people into different groups are no longer valid. He added:
Mousavi, regarding the “Green Path of Hope” organisation, said, "In my opinion in the current situation, there are many parties and organisation that their existence is important and appreciated; but forming a new party cannot add to the country's existing capacities, while strengthening the cores of the social movement will create new capacities and improve the people’s social movement.”
Pointing out that they had found this experience very successful from the very beginning of the election campaign under the slogan of “Every Iranian is a staff”; he said, “Today a cyber network has developed that, with the lack of [standard] media, is performing very effectively. The social cores that are active behind this cyber network have less vulnerability, and members of these cores have given the movement a dynamic nature which has made us more hopeful about the effectiveness of this network.”
The candidate supported by the majority of reformists in the tenth Presidential election reminded [the meeting], “For instance although there was no official announcement made for the Qods Day, we witnessed this massive presence in the Qods Day rallies, and this was despite the fact that many families were concerned and had prevented their children from taking to the streets due to the threats and the events that had happened in the past three months. So this was a result of the effectiveness of this network.”
Mousavi, emphasising the fact that people are very sensitive to the words and actions of the public officials and that no word or action will be unnoticed, addressed all who think their words and opinions are effective in society. He advised them to be cautious with their words and actions, to not fuel the violent atmosphere in the society and to be considerate to what people are sensitive. He pointed out that today people’s response to the mistakes made by these officials is very fast, while expressing his concerns over repeated mistakes made in this matter.
He said that some officials, based on their wrong analysis, are preparing conditions that could impose higher costs for the country and added, “Some events such as what happened in the Kahrizak Prison [where prisoners were tortured, raped and some even were killed] and the illegal behaviours with the detainees as well as the harsh confrontations with the students, have made the social environment very intense. It is vital for everyone to prevent more radicalism in the society by patience and especially by avoiding unwanted confrontations from security and military forces.”
The Prime Minister during Imam Khomeini’s era also said:
Mousavi adde,: “Today, those with clear indications of predisposition toward westerners and foreigners in their past actions accuse us of acting in the benefit of foreigners and try to makeup allegations in order to create an environment of pressure, but these actions will not have any benefits for them and I am hopeful that along these bad deeds and accusations some wisdom may also exists.”
He also pointed out the restricted and biased media’s environment in the country said:
Mousavi continued:
At the end Mousavi stressed that the Parliament and especially the minority fraction (reformist) has a very influential role in today’s situation of the country that can be very effective in solving country’s problems and hoped that Parliament acts appropriate to its important role in these critical conditions.
The Latest from Iran (30 September): Confusion
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According to Parleman News, in a meeting with the central council members of the minority faction of the Parliament (reformist), Mir Hossein Mousavi stressed that today more than ever the need for national unity is felt by the people and the borders that had divided the people into different groups are no longer valid. He added:
The current condition of the country is an opportunity that, if understood and guided correctly, could maximise the national understanding. The Green movement that has been expanding and growing deeper since the election has created these special situations. Those who seek their survival in the people’s division had created these false borders among the people that had caused some people to turn their back to the establishment and even to the society, but today because of the changes this [Green] Movement has made, even those people are interested in the fate of their county. The fact that people are kinder and more tolerant to each other is one of the outcomes of this movement that if is taken advantage of could reduce the gaps and strengthen the national unity.
Mousavi, regarding the “Green Path of Hope” organisation, said, "In my opinion in the current situation, there are many parties and organisation that their existence is important and appreciated; but forming a new party cannot add to the country's existing capacities, while strengthening the cores of the social movement will create new capacities and improve the people’s social movement.”
Pointing out that they had found this experience very successful from the very beginning of the election campaign under the slogan of “Every Iranian is a staff”; he said, “Today a cyber network has developed that, with the lack of [standard] media, is performing very effectively. The social cores that are active behind this cyber network have less vulnerability, and members of these cores have given the movement a dynamic nature which has made us more hopeful about the effectiveness of this network.”
The candidate supported by the majority of reformists in the tenth Presidential election reminded [the meeting], “For instance although there was no official announcement made for the Qods Day, we witnessed this massive presence in the Qods Day rallies, and this was despite the fact that many families were concerned and had prevented their children from taking to the streets due to the threats and the events that had happened in the past three months. So this was a result of the effectiveness of this network.”
Mousavi, emphasising the fact that people are very sensitive to the words and actions of the public officials and that no word or action will be unnoticed, addressed all who think their words and opinions are effective in society. He advised them to be cautious with their words and actions, to not fuel the violent atmosphere in the society and to be considerate to what people are sensitive. He pointed out that today people’s response to the mistakes made by these officials is very fast, while expressing his concerns over repeated mistakes made in this matter.
He said that some officials, based on their wrong analysis, are preparing conditions that could impose higher costs for the country and added, “Some events such as what happened in the Kahrizak Prison [where prisoners were tortured, raped and some even were killed] and the illegal behaviours with the detainees as well as the harsh confrontations with the students, have made the social environment very intense. It is vital for everyone to prevent more radicalism in the society by patience and especially by avoiding unwanted confrontations from security and military forces.”
The Prime Minister during Imam Khomeini’s era also said:
The opposition movement of the people is much more devoted to the national interests than the public officials are. Foreign countries by relying on the lack of effectiveness of the officials are looking forward to getting points from our country. We should put defending the national interests at the front of our concerns. Therefore, we cannot agree to the sanction of our country and the discard of our nation’s rights by other countries and we should not let the provocative behaviours [of some officials] impose more costs on our people.
Mousavi adde,: “Today, those with clear indications of predisposition toward westerners and foreigners in their past actions accuse us of acting in the benefit of foreigners and try to makeup allegations in order to create an environment of pressure, but these actions will not have any benefits for them and I am hopeful that along these bad deeds and accusations some wisdom may also exists.”
He also pointed out the restricted and biased media’s environment in the country said:
It is possible that a portion of the public under the influence of false and massive propaganda does not have a correct and complete understanding of the goals and demands of the movement. There is also the concern that people show interest in the media outside the country in order to have access to the truth and the correct information. In such circumstance, the actions of all scholars, intellectuals and experts in educating the public and explaining the country’s situation and events are a national duty that can alleviate the wrong, biased and anti-national-interest actions of IRIB [Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting].
Mousavi continued:
Today the unified emphasis across the nation for the complete implementation of the constitution is an effective and successful solution. The constitution is the everlasting inheritance of Imam [Khomeini], the Martyrs and our national identity that holds lots of [unutilized] capacities to overcome the current crisis that we should have special emphasis on these capacities and utilizing them as the single solution to resolve the problems in the country.
At the end Mousavi stressed that the Parliament and especially the minority fraction (reformist) has a very influential role in today’s situation of the country that can be very effective in solving country’s problems and hoped that Parliament acts appropriate to its important role in these critical conditions.