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State of America: A Tribute to Walter Cronkite and a Lament for Journalism

CRONKITEThe famous American newscaster Walter Cronkite died a few days ago, but the obituaries in the British newspapers were few and far between. (This is hardly surprising: when Richard Dimbleby died in the 1960s, I doubt that his obituary appeared in any American newspaper.) However, The Observer did highlighted Cronkite’s famous broadcast from Vietnam at the end of the Tet offensive. This may have been a military victory for the Americans, but it was reported by Cronkite as a political defeat as it became clear to him that the war was unwinnable. While he was criticised for coming off the fence of neutrality, the American public trusted a mere journalist far more than their politicians. Essentially, Cronkite had no trouble telling truth to power.

One is tempted to conclude that the lights are going out on old-style American journalism. We shan’t see the likes of Edward Murrow and Cronkite again. Current American television anchors pay attention to their looks and insist on standing, with machismo, to deliver the news, but they seem to care little for the depth and content of what they are saying. Form has beaten substance.

I have had the very good fortune to have met some old-fashioned American journalists. To a man (and woman), they have been truth seekers, good analysts, and fair-minded reporters, always putting both sides of the story. With your indulgence, I will write briefly about two of them, one a household name, the other a true visionary.

Former Washington Post editor, Ben Bradlee is a force of nature, even now. I have not spoken with him for a year or so but, were I to do so, that familiar growl would dominate the conversation. Whilst Watergate played a very significant part in Bradlee’s professional life, it was not the pinnacle for Ben. He is proudest of The Post’s position as a national newspaper, not the local rag he took over.

Bradlee takes the view that all American newspapers are local but some, such as The New York Times and Los Angeles Times, transcend the bounds to be read nationally and worldwide. He is also fierce that such a position cannot be reached without fair and balanced reporting. When The Post’s stories on Watergate are analysed, interestingly, Nixon does not become the eminence gris until almost the final act, mainly out of the fairness accorded to him by Bradlee's paper.

When I last talked with Elmer Lower, it was shortly after his 92nd birthday. He has the most enviable quality that, despite his advanced years, his mind has the clarity of Big Ben. Elmer came from St. Joseph, Missouri, in anyone's view a small town. He worked his way through the newspaper business as a reporter, becoming a pioneer network television executive whose career included working for CBS News, NBC News, and ABC News, where as president, he hired the likes of Peter Jennings, Sam Donaldson, and Ted Koppel. Lower’s major claim to fame, not heralded by him but by others, was to conceive of and negotiate the terms of the 1960 Kennedy/Nixon presidential debates.

Both Bradlee and Lower have the qualities which I have most admired in American journalists. They fight their corners fairly and accept there is more than one side to an argument. They seek the truth but not at all costs. And, above all, they are entertaining in a way it is hard to represent. The first time I met Elmer Lower, I taped our conversations, four hours' worth. I was given the most remarkable history lesson.

I would like to think that Messrs Bradlee and Lower will continue to fight causes in this world for many years to come but this is not realistic. Sadly, and all too soon, they will join the likes of Cronkite and Murrow. What I would give to be at that heavenly dinner table? At the same time, world-famous newspapers such as The Boston Globe have recently closed their doors as the relentless reduction of printed media outlets continues in the name of progress and business efficiency.

Above all else, what makes the old journalists stand out for me is their championing of First Amendment rights. They don’t believe in the aberrations, such as allowing speech to be equated with money. They believe in a free press, standing up to and challenging government and proprietors alike. Is the current crop of journalists able take on this baton? Oh, for the triumph of hope.

Perhaps the diet of dreariness served to the American reader in the name of entertainment is temporary. However, my frequent visits to America and my reading of local newspapers from Florida to Oregon and Vermont to Colorado tell me that superficiality, shock-jockery, and the lauding of minor celebrity, at the expense of real news, is the future.

The Latest from Iran (3 August): Trials and Inaugurations

Iran Video: The Khamenei-Ahmadinejad “Non-Kiss” (3 August)
NEW Iran Analysis: Naming a President
Trials in Iran: The Latest from Mousavi
NEW Iran Video: The Abtahi “Confession”, Roohul Amini, and Tehran Trial (2 August)

The Latest from Iran (2 August): Raising the Stakes

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Iran auguration2115 GMT: A Personal Note "#CNNFail". I am watching, open-mouthed, as CNN milks the Khomeini-Ahmadinejad "non-kiss" for 10 minutes of blather, with Reza Sayah, his producer,and the happy, chatty, vacuous Michael Holmes chuntering on about how they disagreed about the meaning of the physical interaction: Did Khameini block Mahmoud's embrace? Did Mahmoud check the Supreme Loyalty because he wanted to show sufficient loyalty? It's all ho-ho, ha-ha at the end of their proclaimed 15-hour day.

Here's a friendly suggestion to all the CNN folks. If you spent as much time carefully evaluating political sources over the last two weeks, including the Khamenei-Ahmadinejad tensions, or if you gave a little thought to the politics beyond the single image of the Supreme Leader and the President, including today's demonstrations and the reactions to Saturday's trial, you wouldn't have to spend 600 seconds saying nothing of consequence beyond flagrant self-promotion.

2040 GMT: Another Effort for Conciliation. According to the Iranian Labor News Agency, Maryam Behrouzi, the head of the society of Zeynab, a conservative women's group has stated, "Both principalist and reformist factions have had faults and irregularities and must attempt to cleanse themselves so that the establishment regains its reputation and regains the trust of the people." At the same time, Behrouzi said, "In these [televised] confessions [of reformists] wno mention has been made of  'velvet revolution'....The Supreme Leader has called the two factions of principalist and reformist to be to wings of the same system and accusing one fraction of 'soft deposition' will cause a huge damage to the establishment....If some individuals of a fraction make a mistake that mistake should not be used to indict a whole faction."

2030 GMT: A Very Important Correction. Mehdi Karroubi has denied the report of Fars News alleging that he participated in a demonstration between Vali-e Asr Square and Vanak Square as "an absolute falsehood". Karroubi says, "At the alleged time [I] was participating in the memorial service of the filmmaker Seifollah Daad at the Nour Mosque. This mosque is located between Vali-e Asr and Vanak; however, [I] did not get out of [my] car and did not address the people."

Our correspondent Mani analyses:
Karroubi is not back tracking. The account is from Etemade Melli, Karroubi's official site, and therefore should be considered true. I think that the reason why Karroubi is making this statement is because Fars News had a mendacious reason for reporting Karroubi's presence. The number of demonstrators today was relatively small so  Fars News is implying that Karroubi has participated in a demonstration in which support for him and the reform movement is waning.

Karroubi's statement is reinforcing the fact that he did not call for this demonstration, as opposed to last Thursday in which he had effectively called for protest and got sizable popular participation in one of the least accessible locations in Tehran.

1710 GMT: Confusion of reports over how big protests are and the extent of clashes with security forces. We will be back later with a late-night update to try to set out definitive information.

1610 GMT: Non-Non-Non-Story of the Day. The New York Times wastes a lot of newsprint on "U.S. Weighs Iran Sanctions if Talks Are Rejected". The story claims that National Security Advisor James Jones floated the idea, while in Israel, of "cutting off [Iran's] imports of gasoline and other refined oil products...if it fails to respond to President Obama’s offer to negotiate on its nuclear program".

This is the equivalent of fantasy politics, since the prospect of any US-Iran talks on any issue of substance is suspended. In case The New York Times hasn't paid attention, the Government in Tehran lacks legitimacy, amongst many of its own people and many in the international community. So until Mahmoud Ahmadinejad becomes more than a President in name, there can be no discussions of significance.

The real story, if reporter David Sanger had cared to notice, is that the Obama Administration has used this suspension to get Free Credit, posing as tough guy before both Israel and the US Congress. That is an approach without cost until someone actually suggests, with the passage of time and the (probable) continuing internal tension in Iran, that talk of sanctions be replaced by action.

1600 GMT: Steady stream of reports of protests across Tehran, including Vanak Square and Fatemeh Square as well as Vali-e Asr Square.

CNN now reporting "thousands" in Vali-e Asr and numbers growing. (CNN has also just reported as "Just In" that Mehdi Karroubi was amongst protestors, 35 minutes after we posted the information.)

1535 GMT: Mowj-e-Sabz, interpreting a report from the Islamic Republic News Agency, says Tehran is under "quasi-military government" in with police based on all major city streets and in squares.

1525 GMT: Fars News that opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi (see 0700 GMT) was among demonstrators in Vali-e Asr Square this afternoon. reports

1500 GMT: More Mr President. Earlier we reported Ahmadinejad's threat to "hang [protesters] from the roof]". Another translation of the speech in Mashaad has the President saying, "[I will] stick their heads to the ceiling."

Mahmoud may want to be a bit careful, however, as his supporters are denying any such sticking or banging of heads is going on. From an interview with pro-Ahmadinejad member of Parliament Bizhan Novabeh:
Reporter: Mr. Nobaveh, what are you doing for the detained? Did you know the son of Ruholamini? Are you looking into why he was killed during his detention?

Nobaveh: Who is saying this? Now it’s possible he hit his head against the floor.

Reporter: His corpse says something different.

Nobaveh: Why are you speaking nonsense? We have to ask the government to look into this.

Reporter: It’s possible that your investigations will take time and every moment that passes lowers [the importance of] this incident.

Nobaveh: This talk is a crime. This talk, in any case, is subject to investigation.

Reporter: I asked one simple question. Regarding the son of Ruholamini, are you of the belief that there should be an investigation?

Nobaveh: Don’t 27 people a day die in road accidents?

Reporter: Road deaths are different than … deaths … .

Nobaveh: What’s the difference? In any case we haven’t heard of any deaths.

1430 GMT: CNN reports, from sources, an estimated 1000 protesters marching on Val-e Asr. Horns are honking, "V for Victory" signs are being flashed, and there are chants of "God is Great".

1100 GMT: Some reports suggest that during the inauguration ceremony, Ahmadinejad tried to kiss the Supreme Leader's hand but was rebuffed. Another break in protocol:  for the first time the decree was read by the head of the leadership office (traditionally this was done by the son of Ayatollah Khomeini, or later former presidents).

1050 GMT: Facinating photo comparison between the 2005 and 2009 inauguration.

Iran auguration

0735 GMT: The Supreme Leader has now endorsed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President. There is no indication of any statement beyond the formal announcement.

0715 GMT: You Have to Hand It to Mahmoud. Ahmadinejad may be in trouble (in our opinion, emasculated as a leader), but he's as brazen as ever. In his recent trip to Mashaad, avoiding the "4oth Day" ceremonies in Tehran,  he told "professors who are members of the basij": "Let the inauguration ceremonies end; afterward we will grab [our opponents] over the collar and hang them from the roof."

0700 GMT: Saham News, the official website of Mehdi Karroubi, has published his response to the Tehran trials. Karroubi concludes that the "weak and ridiculous indictment [was] prepared with such alacrity and haste against respected political figures...partly due to the time crunch of the presidential inauguration and partly because [the Government] feels that it must respond to to the events that accompanied the recent memorial ceremonies."

Karroubi is proposing a political response, with representatives from the Karroubi, Mousavi, Rezaei and Ahmadinejad stating their positions regarding the existence or non-existence of election fraud in front of the cameras of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting.

Karroubi, while reassuring, "I have always been loyal to Imam [Khomeini] and the establishment", asks, "How credibile are these elections, especially under the current conditions in which the country is in an abnormal condition and mass arrests and killings have taken place?" He adds:
When people witness those being treated extremely roughly [by the Revolutionary Guard and Basij] and are being told that the Revolutionary Guard and Basij are innocent and the [demonstrators] are riff-raff; in a society in which student dormitories are attacked and people have witnessed the attack and an official statement says we are not sure who ordered the suppression; in a society that the body of a beloved family member is returned to their family and the family is told that we have no idea who killed your child ---- how can you assume that the people will place any stock in a process that trots out individuals in prison clothes in order that these prisoners assert that the presidential election was free of fraud?....

These actions not only have no positice effect [on society] but in fact cause the establishment to lose its reputation and is a blot on the fame of the Islamic Republic.

0655 GMT: Disrupting the Disruption? Mowj-e-Sabz reports Irancell Company last night sent a text message to its subscribers that the network will experience problems in the next 72 hours, the first time that it has put out advance notification. Coincidentally, Ahmadinejad's inauguration occurs 48 hours from now.

Latest Iran Video: Khamenei-Ahmadinejad "Non-Kiss" and Tehran Protests (3 August)

The Latest from Iran (3 August): Trials and Inaugurations

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The Supreme Leader's Endorsement of Ahmadinejad - Embrace or Distance?


Demonstrations in Tehran: "Death to the Dictator"



Vanak Square, Tehran



Nighttime Protest, Tehran

[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]

CNN on the Khamenei-Ahmadinejad "Non-Kiss"



Latest Iran Video: Abtahi "Confession", Roohul Amini, and the Tehran Trial (2-3 August)

The Latest from Iran (3 August): Trials and Inaugurations
Iran Video: The Khamenei-Ahmadinejad “Non-Kiss” (3 August)
Iran: Putting the Opposition on Trial

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More "Confessions" from Mohammad Abi Abtahi and Mohammad Atrianfar


The "Confession" of Former Vice President Mohammad Ali Abtahi


Abdolhossein Amini to Press TV on his son Mohsen (killed in detention)


"Reformist" Member of Parliament Darius Ghanbari on Trial


Iran Analysis: Naming a President

The Latest from Iran (3 August): Trials and Inaugurations

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KHAMENEIMorning Update (0630 GMT): The official event today will be the Supreme Leader's endorsement of President Ahmadinejad, who will be inaugurated on Wednesday, but this has already been eclipsed by other events. With Ahmadinejad a lame duck even before his second term starts, with the battle now between the regime and Hashemi Rafsanjani as well as the regime and the Green opposition, and with the headline issue of detentions reinforced by the images of Saturday's trial, the focus will not be on Ayatollah Khameini's formal declaration but what he says in addition to it.

This will be the Supreme Leader's first significant public statement since his dispute with Ahmadinejad over the selection of the First Vice President, Esfandiar Rahim-Mashai. Since then, the President has made an ambiguous statement about his position, both in general and specifically in relation to Khamenei. It is far from clear, however, that "conservative" and "principlist" blocs inside and outside Parliament --- also angered by the firing of the Ministry of Intelligence and the attempted dismissal of three others --- have reconciled with Ahmadinejad against the supposed threat of an opposition working with foreign elements and the real challenge of clerical and political criticism of the Government's abuses of the legal system.

So does Khamenei make any reference to either a new, resurgent beginning with the President or a lingering criticism of him? Or does he just let Ahmadinejad dangle by saying nothing of direct or implied substance?

Meanwhile, the opposition appears to be building to its own reaction on Wednesday, during Ahmadinejad's inauguration, rather than today. The talk now is of symbolic steps such as disruption of traffic, "flash" demonstrations, and power overloads rather than any mass action. Indeed, it appears that the new impetus for the movement, again including Rafsanjani as well as other leaders and protestors, is the response to Saturday's trials. There is a very real and significant whether they can turn initial defense (we are not guilty of a "plot") into a damaging assault on the Government's credibility (they are guilty of degrading and abusing not only the detainees, but the Revolution and Islam).

In that context, there are some very interesting signals from Press TV. While other state outlets such as Fars News were allowed to give full coverage from inside the courtroom, Press TV was shut out (probably because of confusion, rather than a deliberate step) along with opposition and foreign media. Pushed to the side on the direct reporting of the proceedings against the "enemy", Press TV has been giving airtime to blunt criticism of the regime, such as the challenge to the trial from reformist member of Parliaments and the reflections on prominent scientist/politician Abdolhossein Roohul Amini on his son Mohsen, who died in detention in Evin Prison (see the videos in our separate entry).